Status: Work in progress - Updates will occur every weekend at the minimum


Chapter Four

Seren pressed her nose against the window pane and looked down onto Clarence house’s historical rose garden. The trees were awash in lights casting a warm glow on the beautiful rose bushes. It was a clear spring night and Prince Charles’ dinner party for The Prince’s Trust was in full swing.

Seren looked longingly at all the beautiful people walking amidst the flowers, weaving themselves around the tables and chairs scattered around the lawn. She wished she were down there with them, more specifically, she wished she were down there with Wills. She espied him, talking with a group of smartly dressed blue blood types; no doubt supporters of Prince Charles’ charities. He looked urbane, polished and totally at home in his surroundings. Seren let out a sigh, as she gazed on a world that she doesn’t belong in, would never belong. She was startled out of her reverie by a knock on her door.

“Seren” Evan Trow called from behind the bedroom door. Seren quickly crossed over to open the door.

“Yes Da?”

“Are you busy my dear?” her father inquired.

“No, not really” Seren replied.

“Well, the caterer they hired is a little short on people, so they need some of the household staff to help out. Unfortunately, most of the staff have gone out for the night…” her father spread out his hands helplessly.

“Of course I’d help out Da” Seren said with a small smile.

Her father’s face broke out in an answering grin “You’re a good girl Seren. You won’t be going out into the gardens. Just provide a helping hand in the kitchen.”

Seren closed the door to her room and followed her father to the kitchen.


The kitchen was abuzz with people; several were arranging hors d'oeuvres, while some were busy putting finishing touches to the plates of braised lamb shanks that were to be the main course. The organized chaos stopped for a second as Prince Charles’ younger son stepped in.

“Don’t mind me, just preventing myself from dying of sheer boredom” he flapped his hands about. Several soft chuckles were heard around the room and everyone resumed their interrupted tasks. Harry made a beeline for the cheese platters and popped a couple of wedges of Tyning cheese in his mouth. He looked around the kitchen, no doubt looking for another morsel to nibble on when his eyes landed on Seren, busily arranging smoked trout pate’ on a silver platter.

“What are you doing here” Harry asked as he stepped lightly by Seren’s side.

Seren smiled at Harry before proceeding with her task “The caterer was understaffed, we were asked to help out.”

“Well, there seems to be quite few a people here, why don’t you take a break.” Harry tugged at her arm gently.

Seren looked around the room. Harry was right, there were quite a few people helping out now. “Alright” she said “let me just finish up this tray.”


After washing her hands, Seren followed Harry into a secluded portion of the gardens that was cordoned off from the guests. He led her to a wrought iron gazebo that had a built in bench running along its side. Harry had managed to purloin a few salmon tarts and stuffed peppers as well as assorted cheeses piled onto a huge dinner plate. He had also nicked two bottles of Newcastle brown. They sat down with their small repast.

“Why aren’t you at the party Harry?” Seren asked, nibbling daintily on a piece off Sraffordshire organic.

Harry shrugged as he pulled on his beer “It was too boring, I couldn’t stand it.”

“Won’t you be missed?” Seren asked.

“Nah, Will’s there. He’s got everyone hanging off on his every word. Besides, I have more important things to do.”

Seren cocked her head to the side. “Such as?”

“Such as rescuing beautiful damsels being forced to slave away in the kitchens” Harry answered with a cheeky grin.

“I wasn’t being forced, I agreed to help” Seren giggled.

“What?” Harry pouted “don’t you prefer my company over the lamb?”

“Of course I prefer your company, always” Seren replied, this time with a full throaty laugh.

Harry’s answering smile was nothing short of brilliant as the two lightly bumped their bottles of beer in a little toast.


“There you are” a stern voice interrupted Harry’s animated retelling of how he spectacularly tumbled off his horse in yesterday’s polo match.

Harry and Seren looked up from the remains of their little picnic to gaze into the disapproving eyes of Prince Charles. Seren hurriedly stood up and curtsied at the heir to the throne. “Your highness, I apologize –“

“It’s alright Seren, Charles waved off Seren’s apology. “I’d like to talk to my son…alone” he continued, never taking his eyes off Harry.

Seren quickly gathered the empty plates and bottles and proceeded to head back to the kitchen.

“You’ve been gone for two hours.” Charles crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the still sitting Harry.

“I didn’t notice” Harry replied, his eyes darting to his feet.

“Well, you have, and it is impolite to leave your guests for two hours in the middle of a dinner party.”

“They’re not my guests; it’s not my dinner party.” Harry snorted, finally looking squarely at his father.

“This is a dinner for the Prince’s Trust, of which you are also a patron, and therefore this is also your dinner party.” Charles replied patiently.

“Wills is there, charming the pants of the ladies, why do you need me there?” Harry answered petulantly.

“Because you are my son, and I expect both of my children to be there to do their duty. Not playing truant with the help” the crown prince answered in irritation.

Harry abruptly stood up. “Seren is my friend! She’s not just the help!” he snapped in a low voice, mindful of the festivities just a few feet away. He began to walk away from his father, but Charles’ hand darted towards Harry’s arm, stopping the latter.

“Harry…that came out wrong” the older man replied.

“I’m heading back.” Harry straightened his shoulders and walked back to the party, leaving his father alone with his thoughts.

Evan Trow quietly hurried back to the servant’s quarters in the rear of Clarence House. He didn’t want the two princes to know that he had overheard their conversation. His thoughts were muddled as he walked. He had seen the affection and friendship between his only child and Prince Harry strengthen and develop as they grew older. And though happy that his lonely daughter had found a friend of her age, he was also troubled. His Seren was caught between two worlds, both of which she did not truly belong. She deserved better than this, and though it would pain his heart to send her away, Evan knew it was time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Author’s Note: Thank you so much to all those who have read, subscribed and commented. I apologize for not being able to update sooner. I’ve so many things on my plate (real life stuff always is such a distraction) but I know that’s a flimsy excuse. Never fear though, I promise to post new chapters at least once a week (most likely weekends). I always appreciate your comments; they help overcome writer’s block (Hint! Hint!)