Status: With []The beautiful Jo[/url]


Forgotten memories

Jase squealed with joy as the warm-up band trotted off stage. He could feel the caffeine pumping through his bloodstream, the energy pulsing off the stage. The excitable male turned to Matt and grinned, without even thinking grasped him in a tight hug.

The singer returned the smile. “Go out front and dance a little.” He suggested. “Pump up the party for us Jase.”

Jase smiled and checked that his backstage badge was securely fastened, and that the straps holding up his arm-warmers were tight before dashing out towards the front of the stage.

Matt smiled, totally hyped and walked out onto the stage. There, front and center with a full grin and surrounded by the rest of their screaming fans, was Jase.


While Jase, having taken a nap and more then a few more cups of coffee had gone to the concert, June, tired and in no mood for loud music stayed on the bus.

June heard Matt take the stage through the open window and sighed looking down at Bella who placed her head on the girl’s knee. “Hey poor sick baby.” She crooned, looking into the dog’s honey colored eyes. “Lets go outside.”

June clipped the dog to her leash and helped her down the stairs, groaning with the weight when Bella tripped before carefully helping her gain her feet again.

Girl and dog walked to the fence encompassing the area. June could hear music and screaming but not distinct words, she found the noise comforting, a reminder that she was not alone as she traced the boundaries of the back lot. Her mind wandered; for once she allowed herself the luxury of an imagined future that did not include years of struggle and sacrifice. A future that included love and laughter and teasing. ‘Jimmy.” She imagined. With his lively personality and his harmless dissembling.

A bag slid down over the girl’s head. She screamed and struggled as hard hands gripped her. Kicking out she heard a swear behind her and found herself pushed hard onto her knees, wincing in pain she froze as her captors fastened ties around her arms and legs.

There was a low clumsy bark and then a sluggish yelp. “Damn dog.” One of the men grumbled.

Then something sharp pierced Junes arm and the world went black.


Matt grinned as Jase spun and shimmied on their way back to the bus admiring the lithe body and the glowingly happy personality behind it. “I can’t believe it!” he gushed “That was SO COOL!!”

Johnny grinned completely relaxed on his post performance high. “Every time, but that was something special.”

Jimmy beat on the air with his drumsticks. “I don’t think we’ve ever been that GOOD!” he hopped excitedly in place for a few imaginary beats.

Brian rolled his neck and looked over at Zacky who was grinning and buzzed at the edge of the group. “You’re good Zack, I’m glad we have you along.”

“New friends, new lineup.” Matt grinned, his voice rough from singing. “Lets have a little party to cool off huh?”

“WOOO” Called Zacky giving voice to his glee.

“YEAH!!!” Jimmy played his drumsticks along the back window of the bus.

Jase laughed as they rounded the corner. “She’s gonna be pissed if you wake her….” He tripped, falling face first over a furry white lump.

“Bella?” Matt rasped as the dog struggled to its feet. “What are you doing out here baby?”

Jase cocked his head. “The bus door is open…. That’s not like her.” He rushed towards the door and sprang into the bus.

By the time the others had started into the bus Jase had pulled out his cell phone. “She didn’t leave a message, everyone check your phones.” He clicked on a number and waited for it to ring as everyone else checked their phones for messages.

Brian still standing outside was the first one to hear the ringtone. “There!” Brian, Zacky and Jimmy raced towards the tinny noise. But June was nowhere in sight. Zacky full of nervous energy was the first to reach the jangling device lying in the dirt.

“She’s not here.” Zack stated clearly as he turned to his band mates, holding out the phone

“But there was a struggle.” Brian stepped around the disturbed area. “No blood, but here.” His fingers touched two small indentations in the gravel. “Someone was on their knees here.”

Jimmy spun on his heels taking deep ground eating strides back to the bus without a word. Brian and Zacky followed.


“Angel… Angel…” Jase begged into the phone as his phone rang.

“Angel here.” The man snarled and Jase flinched.

“Please, Angel, please tell me you have June.” Jase felt his legs buckling.

“She’s missing?” There was concern in that voice and Jase could wheels screeching in the background.

“Please Angel.” Strong arms wrapped around Jase before he could touch the ground. “I don’t know where my sister is and she doesn’t have her cell phone….” Jase clutched the cell phone as tears reached his eyes.

“Hey little brother.” Angel tried to comfort the boy even as his voice snarled. “I’m on my way.” The line went dead and Jase curled into the soft fabric he was held against.

“Do you think maybe…?” Matt rumbled and felt Jase shake against him.

“She never goes anywhere without her phone, even if she could have left the door open like that.”

“There was a struggle where we found her cell phone.” A dark croon filled the bus.

“OH god.” Jase bolted from Matts arms into the bathroom retching.

Matt looked at where the tallest member of his band stood. “This isn’t the time Rev.” His voice roughened.

“Now is the only time.” That deadly calm filled the room as Reverend Tholomew Plague stalked forward. “Has Angel been called?”

“On his way. Jimmy, you need to cool off.”

“No you need to wake up Shadows.” Jimmy turned his head to look directly at the guitarists who were carefully standing out of the way. “Vengance, go get Val.” Zacky froze for a sole moment and then dashed from the bus like a coursing hound.

Jase walked back into the common-space wrapped in a ragged sweatshirt big enough for three of him and curled his legs into it in a corner, every line shaking with tension and fear his hands clutching at his arms in the loose sleeves. For long moments everyone paused, the Rev standing still as stone, Matt watching Jase without turning his back towards his best friend, Johnny in the galley of the bus watching them with an odd half smile. Brian shifted uneasily.

A knock sounded on the bus and Brian standing closest to the door slowly moved to open it.

Angel stepped onto the bus, seeing all eyes fixed on him he had to suppress a shudder.

“Where is she?” Jase’s voice, choked with tears rung out.

“I don’t know…” Angel focused on the boy.

“You did this.” He choked as he climbed to his feet. “There’s no reason but you Angel…” The gangsters breath hitched. “This is your fault if you hadn’t followed us here…”

“Jase..” Matt tried to interrupt but Jase, still tense with nerves, his hands tucked in his sweatshirt just continued.

“Its your fault!” His voice was growing high pitched and hysterical.

“Estás hermano derecho.” Angel gulped, an almost imperceptible note of desperation flavoring his voice. “Mi culpa Yase, I’ll get her back, te prometo.” The accent thickened, slipping in and out of Spanish.

Tears slipped hot and heart breaking out of Jase’s big eyes. “If you don’t they’ll find your body with the word ‘betrayer’ carved into your chest.” A knife flashed in the boy’s hand as he shook with rage and fear, all eyes fixed on him.

“Jase, calm down now.” Matt moved towards the hysterical boy.

“No!” He shrieked. “I want June!” Matt grabbed both his arms nodding as Johnny carefully pried the knife away from the grieving boy.

Jase thrashed and twisted in Matt’s arms until the bigger man let go of his wrists in favor of just holding him loosely, not so he could get away but enough so that he could twist around to beat against Matt’s chest.

“Jase I know who has her.” Angel said soothingly. “Some business deals of mine were going badly and my partner thought he needed the leverage. I don’t know where she is but we’ll get her back. A friend is on his way he will find her.”

Jase let go of his pride and sobbed like a child, helpless and scared into Matt’s shirt.

“I was wondering.” A strange voice said from the door and a short black haired man walked in to the bus dressed in skinny jeans and a ratty red hoodie.

Angel gaped. “I thought you couldn’t…..”

The man grinned exposing a set of fangs as he gestured at Jase. “He’s here, his sister was here.It’s implied. ….”

The Rev reasserted himself as he turned on the newcomer. “Who the hell are you? And how do you know Jase?”

Christ, perched on a countertop playing with Jase’s knife added his two cents. “I think you wanted to ask what he is as well.”

“I’m Pete.” The short man bounced on his heels. “Jase is it? Good to know. I’m a bassist…. Well a bassist and a vampire.” Even the good Reverend looked a little dumbstruck at him.

“Whoot!” Predictable Johnny broke the silence. “Bass is the best!”

“Is there any world in which you don’t play the short shit?” Pete addressed Christ and then turned without breaking to the rest of the group. “If she’s in the city I can find her blindfolded in the dark with both hands tied behind my back.” He paused cocking his head to one side. “Oh good Valerie can take care of Joe while we go grab his sister.” Leaning over he opened the door to reveal a rather surprised looking Val.

Matt sighed. “Val, take care of Jase.” He said trying to disentangle himself from the hysterical boy’s embrace. “I have to go get your sister little love.”
♠ ♠ ♠
OH NO!!!!! *rollseyes* so my stupid heroine is stolen whatever will I do?
Now we learn why Pete is stalking the background.
I own nothing, this is a work of fiction base very loosely off of the band Avenged Sevenfold, all persons mentioned real or fictional belong to themselves and have nothing whatsoever to do with me.