
chapter 13

*nikki's pov**

i left him alone afraid of what he might say about my story. He is one of the few that actually know my whole story now. I probably looked like a fool walking around crying having no clue where i am going. I settled on just staying under the tree by the lake i got to by walking around and just cried my eyes out. I haven't had a good cry in a while because i hate crying a lot . the last time i cried like this was almost 4 years ago when i was 18 almost 19 and realized that what Matt Had said was true- I'm a good for nothing druggie loser.

*jimmy's POV**

i didn't know what to say. Her story is shocking, she doesn't seem like the druggie type. It was sad though and i did let a few tears spill. I felt so bad for her i mean if it wasn't for her parents i think she would have never been that person and when Matt left it really made it worse. Matt was like her rock and shield from her parents and when he left she had no one to protect her. I sighed and ran a hand though my messy hair and got up and left to go back to my bus to get ready for the set today.

** nikki's POV**

As a few hours went by i had stopped my crying. I was all cried out and i felt weak. I had no clue how i was going to get back home . I didnt think i was going to make it by walking and i had no car and i have no clue where i am. As i thought about ways to get back memories of the day that Aiden and his dad found me came to mind.


i ran until i couldn't run no more. i had no clue where the hell i was nor did i care as long as i got away. I had no money but i had a bag full of drugs. My legs collapsed from under me and i fell face first onto the sidewalk. i was so weak from running for so long that i was going to pass out but i couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the sidewalk so i decided to use the last of my strength to crawl to the side and fell asleep at a doors entrance.

i woke up to something stroking my forehead. i was scared that that mike had found me - he had sometimes before just sat and stroked my forehead until i woke up and then hit me. So i decided to get it over with and open my eyes but i didn't see mike. I saw some kid with piercing green eyes, black spiky hair and a lip piercing. He smiled down at me in a sympathetic smile.

"Dad shes up" he yelled and i covered my ears because my head hurt so bad. I head some soft foot steps coming towards the couch - wait couch? how the hell did i get in a house? I fell asleep on a sidewalk. What the fuck is going on here?

"good now she can explain herself" the man known as this kids dad said and sat down in the big chair by the couch. i closed my eyes trying to remember how i got inside but i couldn't figure it out so i just stared around the room seeing if anything sparked my memory.

" first why don't we tell her how she got her she looks confused" the kid said with a little laugh, the father nodded and spoke up.

"Okay well young lady since you seem confused as my son says, let me introduce our selves. I am Paul and that is my son Aiden. You are in our house because when my son was going to go open the music shop he saw you passed out at the door way and he called me and we brought you back here.Now who are you?" he asked after explaining . i tried to form some words but my mouth was dry and Aiden sensed this so he appeared with some water. I took it and drank the whole glass before attempting to speak again.

"Nikkita" i said but it came out low he didn't hear me.

"what was that?" he asked

"Nikkita Sanders" i replied more loudly and he nodded.

" okay well nikkita what were you doing passed out in front of my music shop?" he asked. i gulped i really didn't want to answer that question but he was expecting an answer.

" i was running away" i mumbled

"from what?" Aiden asked. I sighed and told them the story about how i came to my senses about getting out of the drugs. Paul wasn't that happy about me being into drugs and was going to kick me out right then and there but Aiden convinced him to let me stay so he could help me. Paul told me i could stay as long as i stayed off the drugs and if he ever caught me with drugs i was out. I also found out that i had ran to to Nevada and i wasnt in Cali anymore.

Eventually after after a whole year and a half of painful withdraws and lots of running, drawing and playing drums to keep my mind off drugs i got better. Aiden and i became close friends i met his friends Jake , Josh and Zee and i became close with them too. I even became like a daughter to Paul over the years and he was like a father to me too- sometimes i call him dad.

**end flashback**

If i had anymore tears left i would have defiantly cried again because if Aiden never helped me i would be dead.I am thankful to have Jake, josh, Zee, Aiden and Paul for everything they have done for me with out them i would be nothing. I probably would have woken up and finished those drugs and overdosed in a matter of weeks. I would never have survived on my own.

"Nikki There you are" i heard from a little way behind me but i could tell it was Jake.
He came up to me and hugged me tight and called the guys to tell them he had found me and was bringing me back to the bus. He told me how worried everyone was and thought something like the other day had happened to me then he stuck me on his back and walked back to the bus . While he was walking and i was on his back i fall asleep almost instantly.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah not much happened in this chapter..
im also sorry its been so long since i updated =/
i have gotten busy with school and stuff...
This chapter is for Tara(lost cause) cause she loves this story and asked me to update
love you Tara =]

- patti </3

p.s- i will update again when i get at least 5 comments