
chapter 14

** jimmy's POV**

When i showed up for the set Matt was still pissed off and kept ignoring me when i wanted to talk to him about Nikki. So eventually i gave up and after the set i went back to Nikki's bus maybe i can get her to talk more and get to know her. When i got there Aiden was just getting off the phone.

"Jake found her and is bringing her back now." he said and the guys all sighed in relief

"so what brings you here jimmy?" Zee asked after a few minutes of sitting in silece.

"well Matt's kinda pissed at me so uh i was wondering can i crash here for a little bit?" i asked sheepishly .

"yeah sure man" Josh said and the others nodded. We got to talking a little bit and then everyone but me and Aiden dispersed.

"So i heard Nikki told you her story" he commented. i just nodded and sighed i felt really bad for her.

"It was really painful for her. I watched her every day for one whole year it broke me inside to see her hurting like that from all the withdraws. The screaming , kicking, scratching, bleeding, the crying, the shaking everything." he whispered but i still heard him.

"It was horrible but i stuck by her . The first week was fine for her she just twitched occasionally. the second week came and she was twitching terribly and scratching her arms a little bit and vomiting . The third week came and it was like she was insane she kept mumbling, shaking her head and scratching real deep in her arms. Then came like a month and a half off them she kept screaming for them and hitting me for them but i held her tight until she fell asleep. About almost a year off them she almost slipped." he sighed and looked away as he wiped the few tears that had leaked.

"Almost.... Almost " he said in a deep shaky breath trying to control his tears. I could see this is a topic he does not particularly like.

"how?" i asked softly.

" we thought it would be good for her to get out of the house and go shopping because she was always cooped up in the house. So we took her out she was acting just fine then we walked into this big group and we got separated. I looked for her for an hour until i finally found her in an alley she had a needle in her hand. I was so scared but yet so pissed off i stormed over to her but as i got closer my steps became less angered because i heard her crying. She looked up at me through her tears and held up the needle that was full and chucked it. i hugged her tight as she broke out into more tears and trembles. She had told me that she couldn't help it because she saw the man dealing drugs and her brain kept telling her she needs some. So she ended up buying some but ended up that she couldn't do it . After that day i kept a closer eye on her when we went out and she got a lot better the trembles and shakes stopped but the scratching still remained for a little while after the year but went away." he finished up still crying a little bit. The man in front of me is truly is a friend. He stayed by her side and helped her though this and he didn't even know her but yet still helped her.

"your a good friend. Shes lucky to have you " i said just as the door opened up reveling Jake and a sleeping Nikki on his back.
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so this one is for Tara because i told her i would update for her over the break xD
next chapter comes at 7 comments !!

- Patti </3