
chapter 15

For the last week jimmy has been sleeping on my bus because Matt still wont talk to him. I feel really guilty for it too but jimmy keeps telling me not to worry and that its not my fault but it is. If i keep thinking about it i might go back into my turtle shell as jimmy refers to me when i get all quiet and sad. Still on the topic of jimmy my band and i have gotten really close to him like we have known him for ever. I know all the guys filled him in on what i was like over the years from the drug withdrawal and I'm okay with it surprisingly.The only people who know the full story on why i went to drugs is myself , the boys, Aiden's dad and now jimmy.

I sighed as i finished getting ready to go out with the boys and jimmy.Aiden told me he wanted to celebrate something unknown to me. A knock sounded the bathroom signaling someone on the other side so i opened it to see what they wanted.

"Wow.. you look.. beautiful" jimmy smiled sheepishly as he looked down my form. i fidgeted a bit self consciously moving my hands over my body. I wasn't used to people looking at me like that nor have i ever dressed up like this since i was little- I was in my aunt Jenna's wedding.I was the flower girl. God i hated that pink dress. But here i am now in this spaghetti strap red dress with a little black fabric over lying that has designs on it. My hair was a little wavy due to me putting it into a braid after getting out of the shower. My make up only consisted of black eye liner and black mascara and my ears only had in the small diamond studs.

I muttered a thanks and took the time to take in jimmy. He was dressed in his black jeans and a grey/ silver button up shirt , black vest and a black tie. I smiled and linked my arm with his (since he was offering) and made my way out to the front of the bus. Jake, Zee, Aiden and Josh were there dressed up too.I laughed a little once i noticed that they were all dressed similar. They were all in black dress pants but were wearing different shirts. Jake wearing his red, Zee his black, Aiden his blue striped and Josh his dark green shirt.

"Simply Beautiful " Aiden smiled at me causing me to once again fidget. Zee chuckled a little bit and smiled pulling me into a hug. Soon the rest of the guys came and hugged me too until i mumbled for them to let me go. Seriously 5 guys hugging you can kill you!. you know people do need air to breathe... i wonder if they know that?

"alright well lets get going reservations are at 7:30 and its now..." Josh paused looking at his watch "7 so if we want to be there on time i suggest we go." he said while walking backwards down the stairs. As soon as i stepped foot on the ground i caught sight of a black limo.

"Guys seriously where are we going?" i asked before getting into the limo where all the guys but jimmy were in already.

"just get in, you will love it i promise!" aiden said and patted the seat next to them. i sighed and shrugged my shoulders and muttered a what the hell.
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okay so i know an update after like what 3 months =/
im sorry.. school has been swamping me
and my home computer crashed and is a piece of crap
now so it will be slower =/ sorry guys
but anyways this one goes out to Tara because ily and you wanted one lol

ohh and any thoughts on where they are going?
or what they are celebrating?