
Chapter 2

Nikki’s Pov

Our bus had just stopped in its parking space for tonight's kick off of warped tour.
I was excited but I didn't show it cause I never show emotions, if they do somehow escape its very rare. The only one you will usually see is anger cause then I just lose it. Ive tried to get control of everything in my life but I'm bound to slip sometime, hopefully not now or ever though. I jumped out of my top bunk only to fall on my ass because I lost my footing.

“Way to go genius” Jake joked. I flipped him the bird and let out a small laugh.

Jake was one of my band mates just like Aiden, Josh and Zee. Yeah I'm in a band with four other guys… But eh it doesn't’t bother me they are just like my brothers. They are the only people that know what my feelings are and stuff like that cause I only tell them shit cause I don’t want anyone else in the whole world to know my problems and stuff like that… Your probably thinking if your in a band how could you do that? Well its simple really all I do is give out my hometown, birthday, name, instruments and nicknames.. That’s about it I rarely talk in interviews unless its about the music cause I don’t want anyone to know about my personal life… that’s between me and only me. Although I have hurt people in my past like my brother.... well "ex" brother because I'm probably not his sister anymore … But enough of that I don’t feel like talking about that other wise I'll be in a bad mood.

I shoved past Jake and grabbed my hoodie and ipod. I guess I will go on a walk and get a feel for the venue we will be at for the rest of today and tomorrow. It’s still pretty early in the morning like around 8 am but people are always busy setting up. Security guards standing by gates, people moving amps, boxes , setting up tents, more buses coming in from the road, setting up lights,… the same old stuff for the past 2 years. I guess somethings never change… Well somethings do change but eh... you know what I mean.. I hope.

I decided to look behind me to see if anyone was going to come out of our bus was going to come with me but I guess not. I was still looking backward so I wasn't’t looking where I was going which caused me to drop my ipod after bumping into something very hard and land on the ground my self.

“Oh sorry didn't mean to do that,” the person said trying to help me up but I just got up after dusting myself off.

“Its fine” I said and kept walking.

Jimmy's Pov

I was walking around the venue to get a feel for things even though this is always the same venue we have been coming to for years now… but I decided to go for a walk when we got here. I was gonna go to the main stage and see if they needed help setting up anything cause I was bored and the guys were still sleeping. Before I got there though this girl bumped into me.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to do that” I said trying to help her up but she just dusted her self off after saying “its fine” and kept walking… I just stared after her. She was very pretty... I want to get to know her... maybe she will hang out with me while the guys are sleeping.
“Hey wait up!” I called after her but she just kept going. So I ran after her.

Once I finally caught up to her I introduced my self but she didn't say anything

“ Whats your name?” I asked her... Still nothing...

"is something wrong?" I asked another question but nothing...

Wow I feel like I'm talking to a wall here

I gave up and again made my way back to the main stage to help out.
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yeah its kinda nothing but its another chapter.. tell me what you think.. and banners will be welcome for this story =]