
Chapter 5

It was getting to be 6:30 pm, our set was in 10 minutes and I cant seem to clear my head. For some reason I’ve had a lot of flashbacks to the last time I ever saw matt. It fucking sucks I never meant for any of that shit to happen! I never meant to write that note like that because it sure as hell wasn’t true.

“Hey ms fuck up?” someone behind me asked. I snapped my head to look at the person.

“Hey you alright?” he asked again. He was a stage crew person.

“Im fine” I mumbled

“You sure? Your crying” he asked unsure. My hands quickly made its way to my eyes; wiping the tears that were sure enough there away.

“Yeah im fine just got a lot on my mind right now. Thanks. What did you need?” I asked back

“Your bands looking for you your on in two.” He said and walked away with his clip board after I gave him a nod. I jumped up from my seat and walked out on stage behind my drums. Aiden walked up to his mic and the crowd cheered loudly.

“We are Silence is Killed or better yet known as S.I.K. How are you all this fine evening?” Aiden spoke to the crowd. They all replied their answers back and he announced we would be playing “im not alive but im not dead” from our first album. Here we go...

ending of set. Approx 45 minutes later

“Thank you all! You were fan-fucking-tastic! Come on out and see us again sometime!” Aiden spoke out of breathe into the mic as we all exited the stage. I was full of energy and my mind was clear. I grabbed a water bottle and dumped most of it on Zee.

“Oh shit! Nikki! That was freezing! “He yelled out.

I just smiled and laughed at him but then he started to chase me and I had no where to go. The bus was too far away and he would catch me so I just ran aimlessly hoping to find a place to hide but no such luck so I just ran to the next available stage. Even though I heard singing I still ran. He was right behind me so I picked up speed just before I was about to go on stage and ran full force into the crowd of the band that was playing. I was crowd surfing and having fun because Zee was trying to figure out a way to get me; too bad he never gonna get me.

I guess I spoke too soon ehh? The security guard was talking to zee and he had a smirk on his face. Shit what is that guard up to I can’t hear what he’s saying to the crowd no shit why am I going back to the stage? Fuck! the guard handed me right over to zee’s big muscular body. Damn him.

“Why do you have to be so big?” I asked him because zee and matt are the only two people I have not been able to beat up that easily.

“Why do you have to be so small?” he retorted back.

I just kept struggling in his arms trying to break free from his grasp but nope didn’t work. So after 15 minutes of struggling I gave up and went limp and listened to the music that was playing.

...But I wanted more for you.
You can't go on this way.
And now I see it all fall through.
We pray for better days.
Stuck alone and scared.
Throw your life away and now choking on your pride may be the only way...

I know that voice. I looked up to see him and I started to flail around in his arms to get free and this caught him off guard and I was free to running again. I ran all the way back to the bus and locked my self in my bunk. I am not ready to see him yet and im pretty sure he doesn’t want to see me. I had no fucking clue he was on this tour.

Zee’s point of view

What the fuck just happened here? She just started to struggle and ran away as soon as see looked up to the stage. Who the hell could-oh him. The lead singer of the band; someone she had dreaded to see for six years; Her brother matt. His band was walking off stage toward me. They nodded toward me.

“Hey man enjoy the set?” one said I think his name was zacky

“Yeah from what I seen yeah” I said nodding then I forgot that they don’t know me; at least I don’t think.

“Oh yea my names zee im from the band S.I.K and you guys?” I asked holding my hand out

“Well im zacky, that’s Johnny, the rev, that’s syn and that is matt and we are a7x aka avenged sevenfold” the guy I thought was zacky confirmed.

“Oh yeah I know matt” I said nodding toward him

“You do?” he asked confused

“Well don’t know as in know-know but I’ve heard of you from the girl in my band” I said deciding not to say sister incase he would freak out on me.

“Oh another fan eh?” syn asked

“Uh you can say that I guess” I said

“Well how is it having a girl in your band anyways?” zacky asked

“I guess its fun. She has her moments when she wants to be alone because she gets pissed but most of the time she’s fun. The rest of the band is all guys so there is Jake, Josh, Aiden, me and Nikki”

“Ohhh right is that hot chick Nikki sanders also known as ms fuck up?” syn asked. At that matt spit out his water on rev and went wide eyed.

“Dude what the fuck was that for? “Rev asked as he laughed a little bit

“She’s in your band? How the fuck could you let her be in it? After all the shit she’s been in?” he was angry and I can see what she meant that he was angry with her and I can see why but maybe he would of still wanted to see her but im guessing that would be a no considering how mad he is right now.

“Yeah its your well was your nikki im guessing matt but she’s changed I swear . if you would see her you would notice how much she has changed from when we first found her, she changed her whole life around and she’s stopped the partying everything! Its sad too see her sometimes she beats her self up for what she did and said and-” I was cut off trying to explain the new her

“Just shut up about her. She fucking hurt me so much I hoped she was dead! I beat my fucking self up because I thought that it actually was my fault! So if you came to talk to us just for me to see her then forget it!” matt snapped angrily and stormed off to his bus. All of his band members staring to his retreating figure then back at me.

“Um would you like to explain?” Johnny asked

“Im guess he never told you or you guys never met her have you?” I asked. All of them nodded their heads no. so I just sighed

“Im gonna let him explain it to you guys when he’s ready. But please don’t pressure him about it.” I said

“So on another note I guess ill see you later at the barbeque?” I asked them

“Sure. I mean what ever happened between her and him doesn’t mean we cant be friends so see you and your band there” syn said and the rest of the band waving. We all went our separate ways. I just hope I didn’t screw shit up by mentioning her.
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i no this one wasnt that good.. i mean come one its almost 3 am!! lol
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p.s the song was shattered by broken dreams by avenged sevenfold (obviously!)