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I Don't Wanna Dance

I Don't Wanna Dance

I looked over from the top of the balcony as I watched the entire school dance to the beat of 'I Don't Want to Dance' by Hey Monday. I looked down and knew that I should have been participating in the celebration that was the schools Homecoming Dance but I didn't want to leave my little of being on my own.

I danced around the balcony without a partner. I didn't really need a partner to dance anyway. I had to do it all the time whenever I was on stage with the other girls. I knew that Erin, Krissy, Tally, and Hillary were down there having fun and dancing with their partners.

I was up here on the balcony dancing by myself... I didn't really do much other than just sway to the music... I sighed before giving up. I did love the song but I wasn't going to be dancing anytime soon, at least not by myself.

I sighed and watched as Erin and Leo danced with each other. Krissy and Scott seemed to be having a good time. Tally and Nick were so cute together. Hillary and Nick were amazing... Everyone had someone but me it seemed.

I closed my eyes to try and keep the tears from falling. I knew he was down there somewhere, probably having a great time with Britney. I knew that Jack and Britney were perfect for each other. Everyone said so. I had cried over Jack a lot but I eventually gave up my hopes of ever getting a chance to date him.

He didn't seem to like me, sure we were friends but... We never got to hang out, since I'm a 'pop star' and everything. He just didn't seem interested. He was friends with Erin, Krissy, Tally, and Hillary. The four of them had been trying to get us together for some time but nothing seemed to be working. I doubt that anything would work.

As the lyrics came to a close, I heard the soft piano beats of our latest hit come on. It was one of our sadder songs but it seemed to have gotten pretty popular.

I listened as the beat became more complicated with the drums and guitar. I listened as my own voice started to sing. I listened and sang along with my own voice. This song was probably my best written song of all.

I closed my eyes and got lost in the music and lyrics. As the closing notes started to stop. A sudden sound of an applause coming from behind me startled me.

I turned around and saw that it was Jack, in his eternal perfection. His light water-like blue eyes and his soft brown hair. Not to mention his tall, lean, physique.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" I asked confused as to why he was standing up here with me and not downstairs with Britney.

"A little birdie told me that you were up here all alone and I thought that you would want some company," Jack replied.

"Huh, interesting. Well, I was just about to leave. I'm sure that Britney is probably waiting for you." I moved over towards the stairs.

Jack looked shocked but let me pass. As I walked down the stairs I knew that I had blown it. I had blown any chances at ever being with Jack. I felt the tears fall from my eyes as I left the dance. As I ran towards my car, my sobs started to break through.

I got into my car quickly and started to drive home. I screwed up majorly but it was too late to fix my mistake. Jack was probably never going to speak to me again. I cried as I drove back to my house, I didn't realize that I was going way to fast around a curve.

I never saw the tree that I crashed my car into that took my life from me. I never noticed that my song was on the radio. I never noticed that Jack had been driving behind me, hoping to stop me.

I watched everything from up above as I saw him cry over me. Then 'I Don't Wanna Dance' came on the radio as it started to rain on Jack and me.
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