Status: Hiatus (Come Back Much, Much Later...)



I opened my eyes. Cold. I was cold. But why? I sat up, looking around. Snow was everywhere, as far as the eye could see. I gazed up at the sky--white. A gentle snow began to fall from the sky. I watched it land on my pale arms and legs. I saw that I was wearing a beautiful white dress that came down to the length of my knees. It had thin straps that loosely held my dress up over my chest. My feet where bare and were already growing numb.
I slowly rose to my feet. I was in a forest. By why? Where had I been before? The snow rested in my long golden blonde hair that easily fell to my breasts.
"Had I been going somewhere?" I asked the empty forest.
I took my first few steps finding the snow not too deep. I was growing colder. Flash!
A vision flew across my eyes.
Something was running. I felt that something was me. My senses where heightened and the forest's smell became stronger in my nostrils.
Then as soon as the vision had come it left me. I felt dizzy and I fell to my knees, my vision blurred. I stay that way for awhile.
"Where had I been? And where was I going?"
Walking more only made me weaker. I could no longer feel my feet and the snow was beginning to collect on my shoulders, no longer melting. I must find shelter soon or I will surly die. Suddenly a light shown in the distance. The sun was going down fast and still the snow had not stopped. I slowly began to pick up speed. Running towards the light. Half of me wanted to run to the light but the other half told me the run away from it.
I came closer to the light panting. My breath cloud hardly be seen anymore. A cold fear of death pressed me forward. I saw where the light was coming from. It was a large warm looking home. I walked towards it. The sound of people talking filled my ears. Suddenly I felt light headed and fell to the ground.
Darkness surrounded me.
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I'd loved to hear from you all! Constructive criticism is always welcome!
If you see any grammatical mistakes please tell me. English class was never my strong point!