Status: Hiatus (Come Back Much, Much Later...)



So many faces haunted my dreams. I could not make out them entirely because a painfully bright light was behind them. I heard many voices shouting, how I wished they would stop. I felt them pawing at my clothes. I felt the heat of a fire and a soft blanket cover me. Soon everything went black again.
Suddenly I heard the sound of rushing water and I felt the burning sensation of heat surrounding my body. I screamed in pain for them--those faces to stop! Then everything went black.
I shot out of them darkness, my eyes wide in fear. I looked around the room I was in. The door across the opposite side of the room was a bit ajar.
I looked down to see I was wearing a baggy white t-shirt. I pulled away from the light blue covers to see that I was wearing gray sweat pants with a logo I didn't recognize.
I weakly climbed down out of bed and saw that my white dress was slung across a chair near by. I slowly walked across the room and poked my head out of the door. I was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs. My stomach grumble and soon, despite me being nervous, silently walked down the carpeted stairs.
I followed my nose into the kitchen. The people in the room did not notice that I had come in. I stood in the doorway and looked around. I recognized the face of the older women who looked to be in her mid forties.
The women was standing over the stove with a spatula in her hands. She was laughing at a girl who had long strawberry blonde hair just like the older women. She looked to be about seventeen.
My eyes soon fell upon a brown haired, green eyed boy who looked to be about fourteen or fifteen. I held my breath as he turned and almost jumped when he saw me.
His face broadened into a smile saying, "Looks like someone finally up."
He quickly jumped up and pulled a seat out next to him. I cautiously walked into the kitchen not taking my eyes off the guy. Anger suddenly flared up inside my chest when I saw that the guy was also giving me a stare down. Before I knew what I was doing, I pulled my lips back and gave a quick, deep snarl.
The boy gave me a bit of a surprised look but shook it off and push my seat in as I sat.
"Good morning, how ya feeling?" The older woman said as she put a big helping of bacon and eggs in front of me.
"Feeling?" I began not sure what to say. I felt like I couldn't get out what I wanted to say. "Umm... Ahrg!" I exclaimed as I fell from my chair and crumpled to the floor. My head felt as if it was going to split in two. Suddenly, like before, my senses heightened and I saw a vision of me running but I heard the sound of something coming up behind me. Before I would even wonder what it was, the vision disappeared.
I blinked a couple times my vision blurred. I saw the boy standing standing over me.
"You alright?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern. He smelled like the trees and the grass. His smell brought me comfort. I smiled and nodded. "Lets get you up." He said lifting me up and cradling me in his arms.
I closed my eyes. For once I felt safer.
When he placed me in bed, he handed me a cup of water and some bacon saying, "If you need anything just call me. Oh--I'm Daniel and the old women is Jan and my sister is Beth. Call us if you need something."
I nodded.
"I heard that!" A angry voice yelled from down stairs. "You respect your mother! You hear me?"
Daniel winced and whispered, "I gotta go."
Then he gently walked out of the room, leaving the door opened behind him. I ate my bacon and drank my water quickly. Then I laid down and closed my eyes and soon I was fast asleep.
When I opened my eyes it was dark. I stumbled out of bed and into the dark hallway. I wanted to look around the house a little since I was feeling much better. I silently walked down the hall and peered into one of the rooms and saw Beth sleeping in her bed. Suddenly I heard a door open.
I froze and looked frantically around for a room for me to hide in. I ran into a closed room and shut the door silently behind me. I heard the creaking of the floor boards under the weight of whoever was walking out of the room.
I quickly walked across the room (I was hiding in) and sat on the overly cushioned (with blankets) bed and hoped whoever was in the hall wouldn't find me.
I suddenly felt something shift underneath me. I gasped coming face to face with Daniel. "What the--oh hello, you okay?" He asked as he yawned. I felt my face turn red and quickly stood up. I began to slowly back away not taking my eyes off Daniel.
He climbed out of bed and began to walk towards me asking, "Is there something wrong?"
Before I could stop myself I began to tip backwards. Falling over a pile of clothes on the floor.
With lightening fast reflexes Daniel reach out and pulled me back towards him. It was too late-- I ended up pulling him down with me. We both landed with a thud.
Just then Jan walked into the room saying, "Hey Daniel have you seen our guest. I went into her room but--," she flipped the lights on and went dead silent.
Just staring at Daniel then me then back at Daniel. "Oh..." She began I could feel the anger rising out of her throat. "...I see you found her. Now..." Her calmness began to break as she asked through gritted teeth. "....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER!"
Before Daniel could even explain, Jan came running over to shoved him off of me. Before Jan had come into the room Daniel and I had being staring at each other. He still smelled amazing. But now Jan was yelling words I will not repeat.
"Stop," I said my voice horse. Jan was too busy yelling to notice me. "Stop," I repeated more firm. Still Jan continued to yell at Daniel, now she was griping his ear tightly. "Stop!" I screamed. Jan and Daniel jumped and looked over at me surprised. "Please stop. He was trying to--help me." I began to feel light headed. I was still weak. I heard Beth come into the room but everything began to grow dim. Then darkness surrounded me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I loved to hear from you. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. English was never me strong class. XD
Hope you enjoy!
All characters and the story belong to me.