Status: Hiatus (Come Back Much, Much Later...)



I stayed in bed for a long time not wanting to talk to anyone. I just want to go outside. But as I lied in my bed, I slept and then I had a dream. I saw the forest that backed to the house. I looked closely and spotted a pair of yellow eyes staring at me. A large gray monster with blood stained teeth, made a terrifying noise and leaped out of the forest towards me. I turned to run back into the house but the door was locked. "Please, please let me in!" I cried feeling tears roll down my face. I turned and saw the monster lunged at me.
I screamed and covered my face with my arms then-- "Hey, hey! You alright?"
I opened my eyes and saw Daniel standing over me, his eyes filled with worry. I felt my face and could tell that it was wet with tears. I quickly wiped them away and quickly stammered, "Y-yeah, sorry to disturb you."
Daniel shook his head, "Don't worry about it. You must have had a terrible nightmare." I was silent trying to shut the image out of my mind. "You... want to talk about it?" It might make you feel better."
I opened my mouth to make an excuse to not but I found myself pouring out not only my dream but my visions and how I woke up in the forest. He was silent the entire time, only giving me a nod every once in a while.
"Wow. You don't remember anything?"
I nodded.
"What about your name?"
I paused. "Umm... it's....Haze." I didn't know why that name came to mind, but it felt right.
"Haze? Well... if you say so." Daniel said not convinced.
"Sorry," I mumbled. "But you can't tell anyone about this!" I declared a stab of fear flying through me.
"Don't worry. I'll let you explain it to everyone when you're ready." Daniel reassured me taking my hand in his strong, warm one. Daniel was the only person who I felt safe with. I was so grateful for him. I had only met him for a few days but he was someone I could trust.
Suddenly before I could hold it back, I began to cry.
"Hey? What's wrong?" Daniel asked wiping my tears away with his hand.
"I'm fine. I just haven't felt so relieved for a long time." I said in between sobs.
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Hope you enjoy!
All of the story and characters belong to me.
I would love to hear from you all. If you have the time drop a comment and tell me what you think of the characters, story and well.... anything else.