Status: Hiatus (Come Back Much, Much Later...)



Daniel stayed with me rest of the night trying to help me remember more of my past. But it was a lost effort, I couldn't remember anything.
"Can you tell me the two visions again? And tell what feelings you got when you had them." Daniel suggested as he sat on the floor leaning his chest on the bed, while he propped his head up with a pillow.
"Well," I began. "My first vision was of me running. I didn't see myself running, I just felt that I was." I paused to let Daniel make a comment.
"Go on."
"Then as I was running, I felt like something was following me. But before I could wonder what is was the vision left me." Suddenly I remember something.
Daniel could obviously tell by the look on my face and asked,"What? What is it?"
"I just remember that I felt that I wasn't just running--I was being chased by something."
There was an uncomfortable silence, our imaginations running wild at the thought of someone or something chasing me.
"When I had the visions my senses heightened. I could smell better and see better even hear better. The second vision I had was--," I stopped and looked down. And saw that Daniel had fallen asleep.
I smiled down at him and reached out to touch his soft looking hair. But I stopped myself. "No." I commanded myself in a soft whisper. I don't know the exacted reason I stopped myself. It might have just been not to touch him. But really it was deeper reason. I was stopping myself from falling for him, denying myself of that kind of relationship. Of any kind of relationship.
Suddenly I felt a chill run up my spine. Someone was watching me. Who or what it was, I wasn't sure, but I had an unmistakable feeling that a pair of eyes were watching my every move. I glanced at the window next to my bed. I jumped from my resting place and forced myself to look out the window.
I looked into the blackness. I couldn't see anything, all was still. Yet I knew something was out there.
I no longer felt safe in this house.
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Hope you enjoy next chapter of Awake.
All characters belong to me. I also own the story.
Tell me what you think of it so far.