Status: Hiatus (Come Back Much, Much Later...)



I looked away from the window and saw that Daniel was still fast asleep. I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. I stayed that way for a while, listening to the rhythmic breathing of me sleeping friend. "He can't stay here." I thought as I reached out to touch his face. I stood up and sat down next to him. I put my arm on his shoulder.
I watched as Daniel stirred, "Mom?" He mumbled. I helped him stand up and I slowly walked him out into the hallway and into his room. I stumbled over a couple piles of clothes but I was finally able to get him into bed. "Thanks," Daniel mumbled as he rolled over and fell back to sleep.
I stumbled out of his bedroom and into the dark hallway. What I saw next I didn't expect--Beth. She was standing in the hallway. She had seen me come out of Daniel's room. I smiled at her not sure what to say.
"What--were you doing?" Beth asked looking at me like I committed murder.
"You're brother fell asleep in my room so--I mean, we were talking and he fell asleep so I just helped him into his bed. Ah, um.. I know this sounds wrong and all but this is the honest truth!" I said a little too loudly. I was trying to hard to convince her that nothing had happened.
Beth opened her mouth to say something but she never got the chance. A loud crash came from down stairs. It sounded like a window had broken.
I looked over at Beth and we both exchanged a silent message to one another. "An intruder?"
Beth moved over to the stairs but I silently and quickly cut her off. She looked at me and I shook my head. "If you don't hear from me in ten mins. call for help. Go into your mom's room." I whispered.
Beth didn't even try to stop me, she must have been terrified. But so was I.
I cautiously went down stairs and into the dark kitchen. I listened for breathing and foot steps but heard none. I looked to see that the window in the kitchen had been broken. I took a step closer then I heard a deep growl.
I froze.
A sudden pang of fear shot through me. I felt as if I knew that growl. But before I could wonder why, I huge gray beast jumped from the shadows and tackled me to the ground. I instinctively covered my face and I waited to feel a sharp pain grip me. Instead I felt hot breath hit my arms and the smell of blood and death filled my nostrils.
I opened my eyes and peaked from behind my arms and saw a pair of yellow eyes glaring at me. I saw, sharp teeth, gray fur and pointed ears.
It was the beast from my dream, I sucked in breath to let out a scream but the beast beat me to it and snarled, "Daughter of both sides, I have come to you. Uncover you face and expose your throat."
I opened my mouth to scream but I couldn't, I was in shock. He looked at me intently.
"Why are you talking? Beasts don't speak." I squeaked, my face still covered.
"Are you not the daughter of both sides?" The gray beast asked, ignoring my question.
"What do you mean, 'daughter of both sides?'" I asked feeling not only fear but the weight of the beast on me.
The beast brought his snout closer to my and in hailed deeply. "Yes," He began pulling away from my face, "You are that daughter. My kind. Expose your throat so I may free you from this sorry and stupid form."
"No, I don't know what you mean. Why are you trying to kill me? What are you?"
"I am freeing you from this from. I am Bayho, beta of Marko's wolf tribe. You have broken a sacred law of the--," Bayho couldn't finish because Daniel called out.
"Hey, Haze you okay?"
Bayho jumped off me ran to the table and jumped on it and out the window into the night.
Since Daniel hadn't got an answer from me he warily walked down stairs. I quickly stood and tried to look a bit normal. Daniel stopped short at the sight of the window. "What happed?"
I sighed and shook my head. "Some punk kids. It was a prank I think. I saw them run into the woods." I lied but I didn't think Daniel would believe me anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you all enjoy. I've been writing like crazy. I love writing. :)
Anyway all characters and the story belong to me.
Oh and by the way, Bayho is pronounced like Bay-ho and Marko is pronounced like Mark-o.
Oh and beta is a pack term. A beta wolf is second in command in a wolf pack. I think this might be my longest chapter yet.