Status: Completed :)

Hidden in the Shadows

Chapter Twenty-Three

March 19th, 2011
Vancouver International Airport, Vancouver, BC, Canada
9:55 A.M.

"I really want to come with you."

"I'm sorry babe, I really am, but your safety is what's most important to me." Raina had her arms tightly wrapped around Milan's waist as they stood by the gate to Boston in the airport.

"Our wedding is in only a couple weeks,"

"I know, you'll be back in Boston a few days before to get things together and then we'll be in Cape Cod for the wedding." She tightly clung to him not wanting to let go. The flight was boarding and Milan said “I have to go now babe, I'll call you later." Raina pressed her lips tightly to his not wanting the kiss to end. They separated and Raina watched him walk off into the plane. She stood staring at the doorway for a bit before turning around and heading out of the airport. She could never get used to leaving him. She got back into her car which Milan had drove here in and headed back to the house. Today Raina was alone with Jovan at the house. Nikola had a class, Snezana and Dobro were at work as usual, and Sheena and Jasmiina had decided to go on a long hike on a mountain north of Vancouver. Raina had been getting extra exhausted lately because of pregnancy and decided to stay behind at the house.

When she got back she found Jovan at the kitchen table with several papers spread out.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Looking at a case I'm working on." Jovan was a lawyer and Raina had learned a bit from him when she had had her classes.

"I'm not so sure about being a lawyer anymore," she said. "I don't know if I want to be a stay at home mom or not. I took this semester off to focus on the wedding and stuff."

"Maybe wait until the kids are older before you start working full-time." said Jovan.

"When they can come home from school alone and get themselves a snack and stuff." said Raina.

"That's a good idea," said Jovan.

"I don't want a nanny raising my kids, I want to be there for everything."

"What about Milan?" asked Jovan.

"He'll probably be with them more than me if I do become a lawyer." She watched Jovan do his job for awhile before heading upstairs to take a nap.

Milan got home around 7:00 Eastern Time. When he walked out into the airport he saw Nathan waiting for him.

"Hey," said Nathan. "How's Raina?"

"She's doing well," said Milan. The two left the airport in Nathan’s car.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come to the Red Sox games with me later today, I got an extra ticket.”

“Sure, are Tammy and Dylan going?”

“Dylan is, Tammy’s not, her and Brittany are going shopping.”

“Sounds good,” said Milan.

“I’ll let you go home and get your place together,” Nathan dropped Milan off at his apartment. When Milan walked into the penthouse it felt strangely empty. Without Raina things were very lonely. He put his suitcase down on the kitchen table and went upstairs to get his Red Sox shirt out for the game. He liked hanging out with Nathan and Dylan. Dylan was only two and extremely excited to play hockey when he turned three. He looked up to Milan and his father. It was always the most fun when it was just the three of them.

Nathan came and picked him up some time later. When he got into the front seat he heard Dylan yell

“Milan!” He turned in the front seat and saw Dylan sitting in his car seat smiling at him.

“Hey buddy!” said Milan smiling back at him. Dylan had an oversized Red Sox hat on that he kept pushing out of his eyes. Dylan looked exactly like his father but had Tammy’s lighter hair and blue eyes.

“The Bruins will want him when he turns eighteen,” said Milan. “He’s going to look like you.” Nathan smiled and said

“He’s so eager to start hockey it makes me proud. You’ll feel that way eventually.” They pulled into a parking garage and walked across the street to Fenway. They were swarmed by people and they tried to sign as many autographs as possible before going into the park. They found their seats and Nathan got up to and went to get hotdogs. Dylan sat next to him playing on his Gameboy.

“Whatcha doing?” said Milan.

“Mario,” said Dylan, still staring down at the screen. Milan watched him play and got lost in thought about how Raina and his children would be. Nathan came back holding three Fenway Franks.

“Here you go buddy,” said Nathan, handing his son his hotdog. He sat down next to Milan and gave him his. “Brittany’s been talking a lot about you lately.” said Nathan.

“What’s she been saying?”

“Nothing to me, I’ve been hearing her talk to Tammy. She’s saying how she’s going to try to get you back, seduce you, and that you already seem interested in her. Hopefully that’s a lie.” said Nathan.

“It is,” said Milan frustrated. “Why can’t she just leave me alone? Doesn’t she get that our relationship is completely over.”

“What does Raina think about it?”

“She’s stressed out about it, I haven’t told her what went on in the bar in Buffalo because I don’t want to upset her more.”

“What happened in the bar?” asked Nathan.

“She told me if I was ever lonely that she’d be there and she kissed me on the cheek.”

“I can only imagine what Raina would do if she found out,” said Nathan laughing.

“Ya I don’t really want to find out so I’m going to keep my mouth shut about it.” said Milan. The game started and they didn’t do much more talking as they watched. Eventually Dylan grew bored and took his Gameboy back out to play. The game ended well, the Red Sox had won. Nathan dropped Milan back off at his apartment and when he got inside the same empty feeling from before crashed down on him. As he took a shower, got dressed, and got into bed Raina’s absence was beginning to really affect him. Her side of the bed was cold and he felt like he had before they had gotten together and he was lying in bed with Brittany, alone and depressed.

2,499 miles away in Vancouver, Raina was feeling the same cold emptiness Milan was feeling back in Boston. The storm continued heavily outside and she could hear the rain beating on the window. She had the comforter pulled over her head and was trying to ignore the sounds outside. She knew she wouldn’t be getting much sleep that night.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.

So I got internet, I'll be able to post this weekend.