Status: Completed :)

Hidden in the Shadows

Chapter Twenty-Five

March 20th, 2011
Tuukka’s House, Boston, MA
11:50 P.M.

Tuukka pulled his car into the garage and Milan took out his phone and said in his still slurred speech

“I’m gonna call her.”

“She shut off her phone, I tried calling her back. She’ll be on the plane by now anyway.” The two went upstairs to Tuukka’s living room. Milan sat down on Tuukka’s couch and put his face back into his hands. Tuukka stood in front of him, unsure what to say to him.

“You can stay here for the night if you want,” said Tuukka.

“Thanks,” said Milan. Tuukka watched as Milan took out his phone again and said “I’m just gonna try to call her.” He put the phone to his ear and listened. It immediately went to her voicemail. He listened to her sweet voice say

“You’ve reached Raina, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you later.” He heard the beep and then he said

“Raina, baby, I’m so sorry. Please call me back. I made such a stupid mistake. I got drunk and wasn’t thinking straight. I love you so much and I need you. You’ll probably get this when you get out of the airport in Boston. I’m at Tuukka’s place, please come here.” Milan felt numb as he pressed the end button. How could he of messed up this bad? He had been so out of it at the bar. He still felt the alcohol clouding his mind and tried to push it away. He sat on the couch staring off into space, lost in thought.

“I’ll go get the guestroom setup for you.” said Tuukka. He went upstairs leaving Milan alone in the living room. He stood up and went into the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror and felt like he was looking at a totally different person. He stood there for another five minutes before he heard Tuukka call

“The rooms ready,” Milan left the bathroom and trudged up the stairs. He walked into the room and Tuukka said

“What are you gonna do tomorrow morning?”

“I’m not going to meet her at the airport; I left her a voicemail saying to come here. It’d cause a scene if I went to the airport and I don’t need the city of Boston gossiping about me.”

“I’m gonna go to sleep, you don’t have to right now if you don’t want,” said Tuukka.

“I think I will,” said Milan. Milan heard Tuukka walk down the hallway and shut his bedroom door. He shut off the lights and got into bed. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep at all that night. He lay there in the dark thinking about what had happened. If he lost her he would never forgive himself.

Raina sat alone on the plane, there didn’t seem to be many people on the flight that night. She felt sadness set in again as she thought about the picture. Had all those promises Milan told her lies? That they would get married, raise a family, and be together forever? Why would he do this to her now? She shut off the light overhead and decided to try and get some sleep.

Raina drifted in and out of a restless sleep and five hours later at around 8:30 in Eastern Time, she awoke to the sound of the pilot’s voice telling them they would be landing soon. She stretched and picked her purse up from the seat next to her. She’d only brought her cell phone, fifty dollars in cash, and the keys to her car and the apartment.

When the plane landed Raina was the first one off the plane. She hoped Milan wasn’t waiting for her outside and felt relieved when she didn’t see him. Since she had no car she decided to take a cab. It was sunny out in Boston, a change from the weather she’d been stuck in in Vancouver. The cab stopped outside of her apartment building and she paid the driver. She walked into the lobby and got into the elevator. As it went up each floor she mentally prepared herself for what she was going to say to Milan. When it reached her floor and the door opened she stormed down the hallway and pulled open the door, having been kept unlocked by Milan. She shut the door after her and called out

“Milan!!” She listened for a reply but got nothing. She walked into the living room and found it empty. “Milan!!” She called louder. She went up the stairs and into their bedroom. She felt a rush of anger as she realized he wasn’t there. He had probably gone home with Brittany. She dug through her purse for her phone and turned it on. She saw a new voicemail alert pop up on the screen and decided to listen to it. She heard Milan’s upset voice begin to talk.

“Raina, baby, I’m so sorry. Please call me back. I made such a stupid mistake. I got drunk and wasn’t thinking straight. I love you so much and I need you. You’ll probably get this when you get out of the airport in Boston. I’m at Tuukka’s place, please come here.”

She put her phone back in her purse and then went turned back towards the door to leave. She stopped in her tracks when she saw someone standing in her path. She felt horror overcome her as she looked up at the man. He towered over her at 6’7”, he wore an old hockey mask under which Raina could see his dark cruel eyes, and he held a long butcher knife in his hand. He walked towards her and she stood frozen in place. This was the man who had killed Anna, who had crippled Jasmiina, and broken Sheena’s arm.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.

Five more chapters left! After that I will be putting my focus mainly on my Nathan Horton story, and my Sidney Crosby story. My plan for my Bruins series is to write two stories on three players each and then make one story that brings them all together at the end. I'm undecided who my third player is going to be but I'm leaning towards Gregory Campbell.

I'll be doing the same thing for my Pittsburgh Penguins series as well.