
Flying Is Easy, Jump At The Ground And Miss

Frank's POV

The Next Day…

I had music first period today. The one subject I am actually good at.
Take my usual position in all my classes, at the back; no one seems to bother me there.
About 5 minutes into the lesson, Gerard turns up late. He is yet again wearing all black and he smells of smoke. I love that smell. I haven’t had one in 3 months. Oh how I miss it….
The only chair left in the class was the one next to me. So, he grudgingly walked with his head to the ground through the sets of desks to get to his chair. A jock in the 3rd row who was being made to take this class by the federal court as a way of getting him “back on track” sneezed “Fag” as Gerard walked past. He paused, ignored it and slumped into his seat.
All I got from him all lesson was a murmured “hi”. Apart from that he just kept on drawing… as if the rest of the school didn’t exist. It soon got to the point where I couldn’t stand not to look at his masterpiece. I peeked over his shoulder, all I wanted was a peek, and I got such a shock I gasped. Gerard hurriedly packed up his sketchbook, and blushingly put it back into his bag.
The bell went.
He got up, and even though he was at the back of the class he managed to get out first. I guess he really didn’t want me to see. But that was understandable.

Gerard’s POV
“Fag” some idiot jock sneeze-coughed as I made my way down the rows to the only seat in he class left, at the back, next to Frank, that kid that dropped off my homework yesterday.
“Hi” I manage to mumble. Wow. He looked so amazing in that tight Greg Ginn tee, and those jeans just gripped the right places. His hair was perfectly bedhead, and he had slightly too much eye makeup on. He looked just amazing… just, so… perfect.
I brought out my sketch book and began drawing absent-mindedly. I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my head, while he watched me draw. The lesson dragged on, and finally it was time for the bell to ring, in about 3 minutes. I felt his breathing getting closer to the back of my neck, and I knew he was going to look. I sat unmoving for about 30 seconds as he edged his way closer and closer to my shoulder, me holding onto the feeling of his warm breath on my neck.
He is close enough now to see what I have drawn. He gasps and falls backward of his chair, and I hurriedly gather my books and stash them away in my bag, just as the bell rings. With my speed and embarrassment I make it first out of the class and I sprint down the hallway.
I don't stop until I finally reach the library, and sit in the corner with my usual. A sketchpad, pen, and a novel, to make it look like i am reading.
I'm now curious, so i start to flick through my sketchpad to have look at what i actually drew. I mean I've heard about those people that draw the future or their true feelings when they are so erelaxed that their subconcious takes over.

But, its never happened to me.

I should be excited, amazed even that such a supernatural force could take hold of me, and cause such a reaction in someone else for them to practically fall off their chair. But I am most certainly not. I most definitely, overpoweringly
NOT worried about this at all.
What i am worried about, however, is what the drawing was, what this kid saw, what about me had i leaked onto paper for prying eyes to see. I finally find the page.
I stare, bewildered for a second...
It was truly amazing. Truly, and honestly magnificent. I had never done anything like this.... It was perfect.

The reason thatis was perfect, was because i had managed to produce an exact replica of him.
It was truly beautiful. He was truly beautiful.
It makes me wonder...
♠ ♠ ♠
hey! well i got the second chapter out lickedy split, in hopes that someone is actually reading.
if you are, comment, i maes me feel good about wat i like to do.
