Too Early Unknown and Known Too Late

March 13th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I’ve got good news and bad new so I’m gonna start off on the bad side so we can end on a positive note. Well, someone told Tucker that I’m Juliet and I’m pretty sure that during rehearsals today he didn’t want it to be me. He probably wanted Aislinn, the blonde and beautiful cheer captain and future Broadway star. Also, in the library, I saw him in there looking through the same section I was. Here’s how our little conversation went:

“You like The Drama Club too? I thought it was only for girls, don’t tell anyone.”
“Why would I tell? Its not really a bad book series, my favorite character is Harrison. He’s so unpredictable.”
“Really? He’s mine too!”
“Don’t tell the guys that, though. They’ll call me a prick.”
“I promise.”

Then we pinky swore. Pinky swore.

As in, linked pinkies. I really didn’t know he was interested in the same series but I guess you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. See what I did there? Library humor. Gosh, I gotta stop being in there, I think there’s something in the paper that’s making me crazy. Uh, let’s see, one bad one good. Two more things.

During our first break, Tucker brought me a coffee that he had gotten from Starbucks. I have no idea how I love non fat mocha espressos like an actress loves makeup. It was really sweet until Aislinn thought it was for her, so she took it and called me a stupid geek with no life. Sweet girl, isn’t she? I bet she’s only pissed because I got her part and she has to play my mother.

Have fun Aislinn.

xo, Berlin