Too Early Unknown and Known Too Late

March 14th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I’m speechless, my hand is shaky, and my heart rate is completely off the charts. Today we practiced the kissing scene in the play and I think he got too into it. I felt his fingers lace into my chocolate brown hair and my hands rested gently on his cheeks. Aislinn broke it up because she felt it was too ‘intimate for a family orientated play’. I don’t get it but I guess Mr. Henwig, our director, agreed. So now we have to go to detention during lunch and write out why we won’t perform that way in the play. It starts tomorrow but I doubt he’ll show up. Who wants to spend lunch with me besides our librarian?

Anyways, my best friend, Tiffany, told me that she heard that Tucker was thinking about asking me to formal after the play was through. I highly doubt that was true but it could be. I mean, he’s buying me coffee and kissing me longer than need.

Need I say more about that?

He could be wanting to get close to me so I can ask Aislinn for him or something but I don’t think he’d do something as stupid and evil as that. Tucker doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d just play with someone emotions. Sure, he’s had multiple girlfriends but maybe they just didn’t work out. Maybe she was the cheater.


I gotta go, Degrassi’s on and I have to plan out what I’m writing for tomorrow.

xo, Berlin