Status: Active. Don't like, dont read

The World of Quizilla


I'm a hot teenage girl, that's a sophomore. My first name is Rain (ooooh aren't I deep??) and my last name is Johnson. Why do you ask? Because I couldn't think of a last name that wasn't common so I chose the most common last name there is known to mankind.

Back to me being hot, I have long blonde hair and shiny white teeth that were perfectly straight since birth. And pale skin that make me look fantabulous. I also have LARGE, BABY BLUE eyes, even though not many people in the world have large baby blue eyes and blonde hair. I'm an 'average' height of 4 feet and 6 inches because the young author can't figure out what height is average. I'm super super skinny, even though I eat a ton! (But only one or two chapters mention me eating a salad.) I have large breasts, D cups. I'm basically a life-size barbie, even though she would be considered anorexic and having to walk on all hands and legs because of her bust.

I'm in volleyball, and even though only one chapter mentions me doing homework which I'm struggling with, I'm a straight A student. Boys are all over me, but guess what, I'm not a slut. (As if. Ugh.)

So school was starting up again, and as I'm talking to my friends walking to class, I step into my English class and look at the new teacher. "Oh he is hot." I tell my best friend in the world, Becca, (but she ends up backstabbing me in the climax of the book). "Yeah he is." She tells me back.

The new teacher writing on the chalk board must have been 6 feet tall, and he had long brown shaggy hair. (Which guy doesn't have shaggy hair in ANY story?) He had sharp facial features, and even though he had a suit on, I could tell he had a six pack, which all guys also seemed to have in EVERY SINGLE story. Green eyes that were the color of a crayon.

When I took my seat at the front of the room, I rest my head on my hand and watch him as he talks. "Hello, my name is Zachary Tylers, but just call me Mr. Tylers. I'm your substitute teacher for a couple of weeks because Mr.[insert stupid dirty last name here] had fallen down stairs, got beaten up by monkeys, and then they took him to the forest and claimed him king. Any questions?"

My best friend Becca shouted out "How old are you?" He gave her a grin, and said back to her "I'm 19, even though 19 year olds aren't done with their teaching degree by this time, but hey, it's a story with no plot or real information. So let's go along with it."

I get really mad because Zachary Tylers doesn't seem to notice me as much as Becca. But a day that I pretend I need help on my homework, I ask him about it. He goes "Rain, I love you."(Even though he hasn't even known her before.) He then pulls me in a passionate kiss.

After that, he pulls me in the supply closet and we do it. The next day, I dress sexy in a mini skirt, and a T-shirt, but when I get there, he acts like nothing has happened. Another few days pass by, and after I have my breakdown like we broke up, I go talk to him again. "We had sex and you won't even look at me!" I scream at him.

"I love you Rain, I really do. But I'm a teacher. You're a student. I could lose my job!" "I thought I was more important! You told me so in that supply closet!" But he makes me shut up by kissing me once again. Without me knowing, Becca walks by the room. She gets all jealous and shit, and tells the principal what she saw. Zachary gets suspended from his job, and he gets charged heavily. But he doesn't care, because he loves me now. I'm more important than anything to him in the world.

But don't forget! The sequal comes out, and suddenly, he's a vampire!!! OM NOM NOM.



Us real mibba people eat quizilla users for breakfast. xD
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Omygod. It's so hard writing these stories. You have to go into the mind of a quzilla person.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School is so busy.