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The World of Quizilla

The differences between real world and quizilla world

all the girls are amazingly beautiful, and 'flaw' isn't in their vocabulary.

Quizilla world: I can see this in books. If you don't feel you are beautiful, it's obvious you're going to make your characters a total ego of yourself.

In the real world: Most girls in this world are insecure about their looks, and can think of 5 flaws about themselves before school.

Main girl character is a total bitch, but is magically changed into a goody goody

She's the 'hard-to-get' character, and, look at that. She's emo. (Surprise surprise.) She also doesn't believe in love, but before the climax of the story, she ends up falling in uncontrollable love with the sweet sensitive guy.

No, she's not hard to get unless she needs drama. She's not emo, she's just part of the bad crowd. She might believe in love if she's still a virgin. (Ha. Funny joke.) No, they don't fall head over heels for a guy they just met, and that doesn't change their whole personality or activities.

The quiet main girl character in the story.

This girl in the story is usually a great artist of creepy, gothic, dead things. She's emo (Surprise surprise again, huh?) She's the hopeless romantic that is in loooove with this popular guy that she never dreamed would fall for her. But as soon as he asks her out, his crazy head-cheerleader ex girlfriend tries to ruin you.

No. this doesn't happen either. The quiet girl IS the quiet girl. She doesn't have to be emo to be quiet and unnoticeable. At least once in a hundred times, the school jock will go after a shy girl. It's not that much really. I just guessed n that accuracy.

The sweet sensitive guys

Aren't they all so sweeeet? And caring???
Yeah. Sorry to alert you, but they are rare in the real world. Pure rare.
You're not going to find a guy that doesn't look at other girl's "feminine parts" and think nothing of it. No. They are going to look at a girl they like or think are hot and think dirty things. Sorry, but the first thing that comes to their mind is not a romantic walk on a beach while holding hands. It's more like involving pillows and blankets. It's not a romantic blanket fort either.

The parties in quizilla

There's loud music going through the house. Drinks are everywhere, along with dancing people having an amazing time. There's drama, and the cops will show up to arrest the teenagers. Hangovers the next morning. They try to copy a party scene in movies.

Hahaha. Everyone that's ever been to a high school 'party' knows that this isn't what goes down. It's not like the movies, where your best friend will get arrested, and somehow, you just escape in the nick of time, and still are friends with your best friend even though you ditched her. There's no amazingly loud bass music and crazy dance moves happening. It's more jumping up and down, with their fist in the air.....Or you can go total freshman whore and grind in a line with your girlfriends.