Status: Active. Don't like, dont read

The World of Quizilla

Explaining Quizilla


The choice of names is awful. I can't even begin to describe them. Under this is a list of the different genders of names you will see in quizilla stories;

Girl main/friend character names: Riley, Raina, Dakota, Maxine(Max), Danielle(Danny), Or any other name that's unusual like Love, Destiny, Symphony, Sunshine, Emily(Emo), Fawn, Tonie, Annabel(Annie)

Girl antagonist names: Jessica, Marcy, Selena, Milly, Nicole, Barbie, Aphrodite, Kristina, Allison, Carlie, Casey, Anastatia, Bunny, Julie, Grace, Sophia.

Boy main character names: Paul, Nick, Christian, Aiden, Eli, Riley, Max, Danny, Zach, Zane

Douchebag Character names: Brad, Matt, Rod, Dominic, Alex, Toni, Cody, Jason, Evan, James, Kyle, Hunter, Tyler

All the girl main/friend character names are either boyish, or are so unusual, you can barley pronounce it. With the unusual name, because you can't pronounce it, the character will have a nickname that seems boyish. For the antagonist character girls, they're all girly. Girly girly girly. You can already tell the characters going to be emo or quiet and have a feud with a popular girl just by looking at their names. And then all the guy names are basically the same thing, but switched. Am I right?


Does every single story have to be about a teenager in the ages of 15-17? I admit that I have made stories with only these ages too, but can't there be something different? Why can't it be a love story between too middle-aged or retired couples? Why can't there be at least a short story of how innocent we were as little kids? Isn't growing up the best part? Why can't we show how we get to learn from the world, through the eyes of a toddler? Are we all too focused on screaming out our own personality and problems or dreams through our stories so we hope someone can hear them?

It's time to focus on something other than ourselves. We need to make a story not based off of teenage angst, or adolescents, but more like the other people. We have enough teenage love stories. Let's get to the real stuff.


'Hello, my name is Willow Martin. I'm a 16 year old girl that has friends, and lives a totally normal life until he came along'

'My veins thirsted for blood. My name is Danielle, but most people call me Danny. I am a vampire'.

'My name is Riley Thompson. I'm a 17 year old girl, and I love to skateboard'.

That sounds so blunt. Why can't we be so much more enthusiastic for our introduction? Like breakfast is the most important meal of the day, our introduction is the most important. It's what grabs the readers attention. For me, if the description and intro don't sound good, I'm a little iffy about it. Let's try to switch these introductions to something better, shall we?

'Those eyes; so big and blue. Was he really staring at me? Me, Willow Martin, of all people? He's so much older than I am, though. I'm just a silly 16 year old.'

'Heart pounding, veins thirsting, and jaw clenching, I launched myself into the trees, determined to find my next victim.'

'I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand, then readjusted my helmet on my brunette hair. I took a look over the edge, felt a jump in my heart, and got on my skateboard. The crowd was cheering my name. Riley. Riley. Riley.'

I feel like those are much better than the 'hello friends. I am' and all that. That's what character pages are for, right?


There are different family lives in these stories. I'll give you a list;

Divorced parents(lives with uptight bitch mom)
Divorced parents(lives with mom who sleeps around)
Divorced parents(lives with lazy dad)
Divorced parents(lives with crazy abusive dad)

Lives with mom, and stepdad who beats them.
Lives with dad, and has stepmom that hates her.

Lives with best friend who likes to have parties
Lives with stupid-ass boyfriend who beats her
Lives by themselves, because of parent's and siblings deaths.

Barley visits or hears from family while in a boarding school, or on tour with some band because her family hates her and thinks shes a stupid bitch.
Barley hears or visits family while in boarding school or touring because her family is either dead, or the author just doesn't like mentioning them.

Usually has a cat or dog they can share feelings with.
If the main character is a rebellious girl, she'll sometimes have a little toddler brother who she cares about and can stop yelling and being rebellious for.

If the main character is rich and lives in a mansion with a maid, and butler, they don't care about it, while her rivals who are filthy rich live it up with all that money.
If the main character is poor as frick, then it'll talk about them working part-time, while the parents work every day and every hour so it seems her parents don't care about her.

Do I even have to explain anything more? Seriously? I can't even do this anymore. Alright my fellow readers, enjoy this chapter and comment it up!!