Status: Active. Don't like, dont read

The World of Quizilla


Hey look at me. I'm a random girl. My parents are divorced so I'm visiting my father in Forks, Washington. My dad works as a mechanic. Hes not home all that alot.
When I get to my house, dad says "Alright Alli. Heres your home for the summer." I go "Thanks dad." Then lock myself in my room for a whole day, reading the book called Vampire Diaries. Cause I'm literally OBSESSED with vampires. I sometimes suck my friend's blood. But they're okay with it. Cause they're vampires and want me to become one too.

So as I'm walking in school, I bump into a pale skinned guy-AND HES HOT. I HAVE NO TIME FOR NAMES. IVE ONLY GOT 2 THINGS TO SAY TO SOMEONE LIKE HIM AND THATS

"Wow you're really sexy. Are you a vampire?"

He looks at me(as if he wasnt already) and says "Yes Im a vampire. and im telling you this because i feel a strong attraction to you and i already know that this lame story is going to lead you to falling for a werewolf, then Im going to turn you into a vampire so youre mine forever."

I swoon over him, even though I don't even know his name.

Then suddenly, I meet a werewolf in the woods. His name is Jacob. "Why do you smell like vampire?" He asked me.

"Oh, because I'm in total and unconditional love with one and he creepily watches me sleep every night even though I think its romantic and not stalkerish at all. And hes one of the main characters in a 4 saga book with me."
"Oh..." He says. "Okay. Well I love you too. Remember we use to hang out as little kids?"

I remembered. "Right. I remember. But how can I love a vampire and a werewolf?"

"Oh dont worry. The vampire will leave you for basically a whole book, which leaves you in my hands. We'll fall in love, even though I'm just a rebound. Then he'll come back and ask you to marry him and you want to become a vampire for him but he pushes it off and ends up making you a vampire in the last book when you have your baby Renessmee."

Then he kisses me for no reason.
Then my vampire shows up and they fight.
So I stood between them and went

"WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!!!.......This is such a lame story. Lets just stop right now."

My vampire goes "Yeah youre right."

And we start walking away
but then Jake turns into a werewolf and snaps my lover's head off and yells

♠ ♠ ♠
This is getting fun.