‹ Prequel: Dear Garrett
Status: c o m p l e t e

I'll Never Forget You

I'll Never Forget You

I was walking up our front porch when I heard my ringtone. It was John. Probably reminding me about the band practice tomorrow...again. He has reminded me already like 4 times and he still keeps doing it (obviously because he's drunk) "What?" I said, annoyed, as I put my phone on my ear.

"Garrett, band practice tomorrow, alright?" He slurred.

"Alright, alright." I answered. "You've reminded me enough, okay? Just go to sleep, John."

"Okay, bye."

I unlocked the front door with my key and saw a letter on the round table in the foyer. I walked towards it and saw that my name was written on it. I opened the envelope slowly (because I don't like ruining envelopes when I open them) and read the letter.

Dear Garrett,

I don't know why I'm writing this right now. I guess I'm doing this because I want to move on (even though it has been four years) I really miss you, Garrett. I miss those times when we would laugh in the middle of the night and we would smile at each other like it's Christmas.

Do you even remember those times, Garrett? Oh wait, scratch that, do you even remember me? Because I still remember everything like it's the back of my hand and I will never ever forget them.

I remember that time when we were four years old and we were at the playground and I was at the sand box and some kid approached me and pushed me around. You saw him doing it to me and you told him to go away then I hugged you like my life depended on you then I called you 'gare bear'. Ever since I knew we were going to be good friends.

How about that time when it was our first day of our freshman year? I was so nervous that I didn't want to walk in the high school building because I was so afraid and you hugged me and kissed my forehead and told me everything was going to be alright and you know what? Everything went by smoothly because I had you by my side.

I never really thought that I would like you more than a friend but I did and I think that I still do even though it's been four years since we've last seen each other.

Do you remember that time when I finally told you that I like you on the way home from school in our senior year? I was happy and sad at the same time because I've finlly told you how I feel but you looked at me and told me nothing and the next thing I knew you were walking away and I was there on the sidewalk bawling my eyes out.

I am so proud of you, Garrett. I would do anything to hug you right now and to tell you that I'm so proud. You've gone so far, you've reached your dream and I know this sounds possessive, but I wanted to be there with you while you were achieving your dreams, when you were touring around the world. I wanted to be beside you, but I wasn't.

And finally, I just wanted to tell you that I love you and no matter what, you are the best friend that I have ever had. I hope that you still know me, though. Haha. I love you Garrett Nickelsen. And as cliche as this sounds, I always have and I always will.


Cassie Thompson

Cassie. It's been a while since we've talked, obviously because I'm a big douche. I stopped talking to her when she admitted to me that she likes me and I know that that's a dick move but I couldn't help it. I like her too. Maybe even love and not just as a best friend. Yes. I am in love with my best friend. Why did you walk out, then? You ask. I was afraid. Yes, I am a big coward. I didn't want our friendship to be ruined just because we wanted to be more than friends and I know that walking out was even worse than that but I just--I love her too much for that.

I snapped back to reality and thought that I needed to talk to Cassie. I needed to tell her that I feel the same way and I always will. I needed to tell her that I've never been with any other people because I wanted her. I wanted her to be mine again.

I went out of the front door and made my way to my car to drive to Cassie's house. A few minutes later I've already arrived at her house. Hoping that she still lives there.

I knocked on the door, stepped back and waited patiently for someone to open the door, hoping that Cassie opens the door. With luck on my side, Cassie's mom opened the door /sarcasm

"Oh, hi Garrett. I haven't seen you in a long time. What are you doing here?" Cassie's mom asked.

"Um, Mrs. Thompson, may I please speak to Cassie?"

"Well, she's upstairs. I'll just get her for you." Mrs. Thompson smiled.

After a few minutes, I heard someone opening the door and saw Cassie in front of me. "What are you doing here?" Cassie asked. It's been a long time since I saw Cassie. She's changed. Her brown hair much longer than before and she has bangs now, covering her beautiful brown eyes.

I shifted my weight from my left foot to my right, slightly feeling awkward. "I came here to see you. Look, I know the last time we've talked, I walked out on you and that I'm already four years late for this...but--um, yeah, well, I'm sorry, Cassie. I didn't mean to walk out on you and.. well, I love you too and that walking out on you was the biggest mistake I've ever done and I'm really really--"

"Wait, what did you say?" Cassie asked, cutting me off.

"That I'm sorry I walked out on you and that that's my biggest mistake?" I questioned, confused with what Cassie asked.

"No, before that 'biggest mistake' part." Cassie said, a smile playing on her lips.

I smiled at Cassie, remembering exactly what I said. "I said I love you too."

"As a best friend or--" Cassie trailed before I crashed my lips on hers. Kissing her was beautiful. I know this sounds really gay, but I felt fireworks, it was like a teaser trailer to Heaven. It was amazing but of course we had to pull away. She rested her forehead on mine.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked, with a big grin on my face.

"Yes." she trailed off, before crashing her lips unto mine again.

And in that moment, I swear, that night was beyond perfect.
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lol okay so I got bored again
my laptop charger broke and there's like 30% battery left
so i decided to spend the last remaining power of my laptop to do this.
it's already 11pm anyway and i'm gonna sleep in a few minutes. so.... yeah.