Oh Insomnia, Let It Rain (My poetry collection.)

Never have I felt so alive.

The invigorating
rain pours down
from the vast
sky to awaken
my soul
wash away my
dwindling sanity.

The rumbling
opens my ears to
new sounds
and wonders.

The radiant
lightening opens my
eyes to unseen
beauty and
new possibilities.

I feel the
of the rain,
landing in my hair,
running down my
skin, and sticking to
my eyelashes.

As I blink away
the raindrops,
as I stand in the
middle of this thunderstorm,
never have I felt so
♠ ♠ ♠
i put in a lot of spaces; it was supposed to look differently, but mibba wouldn't let it work that way, so here it is.
