Get Tangled Up In Me

When everything I do

is only to get tangled up in you

Most School’s have a hottie teacher all the girls crush on. Mine has two, Mr. Walston and Mr. Way.

During lunch all the preps go to see Mr. Walston, the freshman science lab teacher. He was blonde, muscular, and surfed for fun. He also had an Australian accent. I, on the other hand, dragged all my friends to Mr. Way’s classroom. It wasn’t hard to drag them there though, because he was Mikey’s brother and friends with everyone else.

How do I explain Gerard...? He has been my best friend’s older brother since 2nd grade. He is my best friend too. He is the most morbidly hot art teacher you could EVER have, and I’m in love with him. It makes it difficult that he’s Mikey’s older brother because… Well it’s Mikey. Enough said.

“Rave, are you coming?” Mikey asked, coming up from behind me. I looked over and saw Dani, Char, Kayla, Shawn, Pete, and Patrick waiting towards the art room. I smiled.

“Yea, Mikes. I was gonna go get my ramen from my locker. Wanna come?” I asked. He nodded and held out a finger, showing our peeps to wait for a minute. We walked to my locker in silence.

“So… The art project looked hard. Glad I was partnered with you.” He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

“Mikey, Mr. Way hasn’t given us partners get. Anyway, your gonna get an A. All you have to do is go home and beg Gerard to help you.” I giggled, calling Gerard Mr. Way. It was so weird.

“Raven, trust me. We’re partners. Gerard knows that’s the only way I’ll pass.” He rolled his eyes at my stupidness. “And you have to come over after school and ask for his help, because he’ll never help me. Only you.” I smiled.

“Mikey. I’m coming over anyway, remember? My dad?” I reminded him. My dad was coming home from Iraq for two weeks and the first week my mom sent Jared and I out of the house. Jared is going over to his friend Matt’s house and I am going to Mikey’s. “So is Gerard driving us home?” I asked running my fingers through my black and purple hair. Mikey was about to answer when we heard banging from the locker next to mine.

“Raven! Raven! Let me out! Fucking jocks put me in here again.” Frank yelled banging. I dialed the all to familiar combination and out came an angered Frank Iero, my other best friend.

“Fuck Frank, it just isn’t a day unless you get shut in a-” I stopped in mid sentence. “Who the fuck threw that?” I screamed turning around.

“What’s wrong little emo Raven? Don’t Like Tuna?” Thomas Cleveland mocked. I felt myself go red.

“I am not emo. Don’t label people you don’t know.” I mumbled. He walked closer and got in my face.

“You wear black everyday. You hang out with these losers, and spend your time cutting yourself.” He sneered. “That’s emo, babe.”

“I do not cut myself.” I said coldly.

“Prove it, emo. Show me your wrist.” He grabbed my arm and tried to pull my sleeve down.

“Let go of me and get out of my fucking face!” I screamed, tuna still in my hair, tears coming down my face. Then Ger- Mr. Way was there.

“Thomas. Office. Now.” He commanded. As Thomas let go of me I collapsed on the floor crying. I tried to get the tuna out of my hair. He turned to me with sadness in his eyes. “Are you ok, Hun?” I nodded, keeping my head down so nobody would see my tears. I got up and we started towards the art room, my ramen forgotten.

“Fuck, Rave. It’s not a day unless you get a sandwich thrown at your head.” Frank teased. I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Just shut up, frank. Is that possible?” I asked, trying to mask my crying unproductively. I turned an ran to the girls bathroom crying all the way.

“Good job, Frank. Make her cry.” Mikey snapped. I was always the tough one. Why was I suddenly such a pansy?
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i also have this on quizilla. so yea... comments are really appriciated. if u hate it, love it, thinks it needs work, whatevs. i am a comment whore, i love feed back :]