Get Tangled Up In Me

It means no worries

for the rest of your days XD

Raven’s P.O.V.

I cannot believe I actually kissed him! And he kissed me back! That means he likes me… right? Holy hello kitty where’s Dani when you need her?!

I stared at my cell phone willing ‘Dani California’ by The Red Hot Chili peppers to come on. But it never did.

I rested my head against the window and felt a tear escape. I knew in my gut what was going to happen. I just hoped I was wrong. But there was still hope. I smiled remembering the love and passion in the kiss. No, he wouldn’t let me down.

(time lapse. At the Way House.)

“Can’t… Breathe! Sitting… lungs… Help!” I wheezed out as everyone quickly jumped off of me and I started a coughing fit. Instantly Gerard was by my side, inhaler in hand.

“Raven, breathe. Breathe. Do you need this?” He asked trying to stay calm.

“No, I’m fine,” I sputtered out in between coughs. He nodded and tossed the inhaler to Mikey who put it back on the shelf. Someone handed me a glass of water and I quickly gulped it down instantly feeling better. “So what are we gonna do know that we already have attempted murder crossed off of our list?”

“I didn’t mean to! Just because I happened to tackle you the second you walked through the door and called ‘Dog pile on Ravey’ doesn’t mean that you can blame this on me,” Kayla complained. I rolled my eyes. She pointed innocently to Char. “It’s all Char. She’s been gaining a few songs, if you haven’t noticed. She was the one who killed you.”

“I am not fat! And she’s not dead!” Charlotte snapped, then turned to Mikey. “I’m not fat, right? I’m not am I? Oh my god I’m going to be just like my MOM!” She was seriously freaking out.

“Shh, Char, your not fat, calm down.” Mikey soothed shooting Kay a dirty look. “Your not going to be like your mom. I promise.” Char’s mom left her and her dad when she was six and took all two hundred and eighty pounds of her up to Canada to marry some French guy. Personally I think there is a possibility that Char has an eating disorder, but nothing bad has happened yet so I think she’s ok for now.

“I’m hungry.” I announced getting up off the ground and walking into the kitchen.
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a frank update for you all. (get it?? its cause its short XD) i have lots of homework do this is the best I can do for now.

don't hate me cuz i no its crap.