Get Tangled Up In Me

Don’t Know Where It Goes

But It’s only me and I walk alone.

“You guys are insane,” Mikey mumbled staring at Kay and me. I rolled my eyes and Kay just smiled at Frank with a dazed look.

“You’re just jealous!” She sang happily. I smiled at the look on her face and sat down on the couch.

“Lets do something!” Dani begged. For once, I agreed with her. I was extremely bored. Gerard sighed and stood up.

“No drinking, no drugs, and no sex. I’ll be downstairs if anybody needs me.” He said a little sarcastically and left the room. I kind of winced the second he looked at me before her left but no one noticed.

“Lets play truth or dare,” Frank suggested. Everyone quickly agreed, except for Shawn, Toro, Pete, and Bob.

“Ray, we need to get home before mom freaks,” Shawn called to his mother. Meeting our confused glances, he explained. “She’s on her cleaning spree.” We all gave him apologetic looks and smiles after that. Mrs. Toro had OCD when it came to cleaning.

“I’d better go too,” Bob said standing up. “I have to meet someone…” He smiled softly. I started laughing.

“Bobby’s got a girlfriend!” I sang. Then Dani and I started our favorite song. “Bobby and his girlfriend sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G.”

“Shut up!” He yelled before running out to his car. We all had a good laugh about that and about five minutes later; we sat down for our game.

“Ok I’ll start,” Frank said calmly, looking at everyone. “Mikey; truth or dare?” He had and evil smile on his face.

“Truth,” He squeaked. Frank frowned at him obviously angered by the path he choose. I snickered, imagining what evil fate had been awaiting Mikes.

“Pansy. Ok, so truth. Damn I had a good dare too. So anyway, truth. Do you like anybody in this room?” Frank finally asked. Mikey kind of glanced at me weirdly, and Char was smiling at him.

“Yes, maybe.” He answered. I smiled, thinking he meant Char. I always knew they would be perfect together. “Ok, Kay. Truth or dare?”

“Dare, bitch!” She yelled. Mikey smiled sweetly at her and she got a scared look on her face.

“I dare you to go downstairs and tell Gerard that you’re pregnant with his baby. Tell him it happened once when he was really drunk.” Mikey said. I didn’t really think that was a good dare but I know I’d be embarrassed to go down there and say that.

Kay wordlessly stood up and walked quietly down the basement steps. You could here the sound of her voice calmly saying something, but it was so low you couldn’t here the exact word. Suddenly there was a loud crash.

“No. No fucking way. Your kidding, Kayla. Just kidding. Oh my fucking god! Your not!” He yelled. Everyone tried to stay quiet but it was so damn funny.

“Gerard, calm down.” She said loudly and sighed. “I just wanted to tell you.” She sniffled. She is actually a really good actor.

“Don’t tell my to fucking calm down.” He called and you could hear him running up the basement stairs. “I need to go out.” Kay was following right behind him.

“Wait! Gerard!” She called and he paused. “It was just a dare!” She said laughing. Gerard’s expression turned from confused and angry to angry and annoyed in a second.

“You guys are messed up in the head.” He complained sitting down acrossed from me. I gave him a small, sad smile then turned my attention elsewhere.

“Ok, Raven,” She smiled evilly. “Truth or dare?” she mocked, knowing I’d pick dare. I smirked.

“Just get on with it, Kay. You know what I pick.” I said slightly annoyed. Her smile grew more pronounced.

“Ok, Ravey. I dare you to make out with Dani.” She said, knowing that I hated dares like this.

“But can’t I do something else?” I begged. She shook her head evilly. I frowned. “Jared, go watch TV or something.” I really didn’t need him to see Dani and I making out. “Gah! This would be so much easier if I was drunk.”

“Just get over here bitch. Me wants me some Ravey.” Dani complained. “It’s a good thing Shawn went home. He’d probably video tape this and put it on youtube or something.” Then she laughed. I walked over there and sat down, taking a deep breathe before Dani put her lips on mine and started to kiss me.

It started off like any other kiss, and pretty much ended that way too. Dani wasn’t as desperate to be kissed as much as I was, because she had Shawn, but she was still really grabby and such. Our arms were around each other and she was chewing on my lipring. Even though it was my dare it was her leading and me following. Her nails dung dep into my back and I shivered with the pain. Then somebody coughed and we were out of our little world and back into theirs.

“That was fun.” She grinned. “I haven’t kissed somebody with a lipring in a while.” I laughed and smacked her on the back of the head playfully.
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<3 i have a new fic. im co-writing it with my best friend lauren. check it out.