Get Tangled Up In Me

Whisper, Whisper

Don’t make a sound

Gerard’s POV

I woke up with a cold sweat and a dirty scene in my mind. I couldn’t believe this, the third night in a row I woke up with the same problem, same dream, and same sweat. I had to get her out of my mind. The way she haunted my dreams, my thoughts, what was only mine before are now crowded with her. Raven.

I sat up with a yawn and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The ‘problem’ was now gone, thankfully, and I decided I could use a glass of water to help get my mind off the horribly wonderful dream I had.

I quietly walked upstairs into the kitchen to fill a glass of water, smiling at the sleeping noises coming from the other room. Mikey’s snoring dominated the rest, and making me thankful that I couldn’t hear myself when I slept. As I sipped my water, I walked into the other room, to watch my angel sleeping. That sounded a bit too stalkerish for my liking but it was true.

I saw Raven in the middle of the floor, with stolen blankets surrounding her, leaving the two girls on either side of her with covers. She was tossing and turning, when she suddenly started to cry.

“No, no not him.” She mumbled in a distressed voice. “Me, me me me!” I tried to shake her awake but she wasn’t responding.

“Raven, Raven love wake up.” I whispered. She just groaned again with more tears falling.

“Stop!” She yelled. “Stop it! Don’t do that to him! I love him.” She sobbed. I grew more freaked by the second. She must be having a nightmare about Jared or something.

“Raven!” I shook her once more. She jumped up with a terrified look on her face, tears still streaming. “Are you ok?”

“Oh Gerard!” She cried burying her face in my chest. “It was so horrible. They tried to kill you, but I told them not to. They wouldn’t listen! So they killed you and they were about to get me too.” She shuddered. I put my arms around her and rocked back and forth.

“It’s ok Ravey, I’ve got you now.” I held her until her sobbing subsided, and she looked up at me with her tear stained face.

“Rardy, can I sleep with you tonight?” She asked sounding as if she was half asleep already. She shuddered again and yawned. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“Of course you don’t! Come on.” I picked her up and carried her down to my bed. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take the floor?” I asked biting my lip. She yawned again before impatiently rolling her eyes.

“Get your ass on this bed Mr. Way.” She said. I quickly obliged, afraid of what she would do if I didn’t. She was always cranky in the morning. “Goodnight Gerard. I love you.” She said snuggling into me. I was used to her saying that she loved me, but there was something different about it this time. It was almost sad, almost as if she were trying to tell me something. Something like maybe she did love me the way I loved her.
“Goodnight, sugar. I love you too.” I answered pulling her closer to me. I drifted off to sleep with her warm body next to mine and her soft perfume in my nose.
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can i please have some more comments. I mean honestly, I have a ten fucking star story, with 70 subscribers and I only get about five comments an update. I'd really like it if you guys would please comment. it motivates me to update :]