Get Tangled Up In Me

Practice makes perfect sense

I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son

Raven’s POV

I woke up that morning in Gerard’s arms and was very confused. I remembered the horrible dream I had the night before and involuntarily shuddered, suddenly realizing exactly what was going on. Gerard had been my knight in shinning armor again. I quietly snuck out of the bed, kissing Gerard on his cheek, so close to his mouth I could feel his breathe. If I had looked back, I would have seen the smile on his face as I left.

The hours went by as we entertained ourselves quietly and before anyone knew it, it was dark outside. Everyone left noisily, complaining about just about anything and when the last person filed out, I collapsed on the couch in relief.

“Thank God we only do this once a month at the most.” I sighed. Mikey landed next to me with an ‘oof’ and nodded in agreement. I grinned at him before dragging my fingers through his hair.

“Let’s play Mario,” He suggested looking up at me. My grin grew and I nodded vigorously. I kicked ass at Mario Party.

We both threw ourselves on the floor and Mikey set up the game cube. He chose to be Yoshi and I was Daisy. We were about fifteen minutes in the game, with the settings making it as long as possible, when Gerard came up, sat down, and watched.

After a long victorious game in my favor, we were definitely ready for bed. Mikey ended up having to take the couch ‘because he is the little brother’, Jared in his bed, and me in Gerard’s. The only problem was Gerard had nowhere to sleep, and was convinced he should take the floor. So currently I was sitting under his covers with a pair of his boxers and one of Mikey’s shirts on, arguing with Gerard.

“You are not sleeping on the floor,” I frowned crossing my arms in a huff. He shook his head and sighed.

“Yes I am. I am twenty two years old Raven. You are sixteen. I’m sleeping on the floor.” He commanded laying out his blanket. I jumped out of the bed and grabbed the blanket from his hands.

“Gerard, I’m seventeen in like a week. Give it up. If anyone sleeps on the floor it’d be me. But why don’t you make everything less difficult and come up here with me?” I begged sitting back down criss crossing my legs.

“Raven,” He warned. I shook my head violently. He didn’t have to do this and he knew it.

“Gerard come on. I’m almost an adult. Get in the damn bed before I have to fucking stab you!” I cut off. He looked somewhat scared and sat cautiously on the bed.

“Raven, they have classes you can take for anger problems,” He said softly putting a hand over mine. “We can get through this.” He smirked. I threw a pillow at him.

“Fine then! Sleep on the fucking floor! See if I fucking care!” I yelled slamming my head on the pillow and frowning with my arms crossed and my back facing him.

“Just sleep in the bed!” Mikey called from upstairs in an annoyed voice. I stifled a laugh and smiled when I felt the weight shift on the other side of the bed.

“If I got to jail for this,” He warned putting an arm around me and bringing me closer to him. But his warning went to deaf ears because I was already half asleep.


The rest of the week passed quickly. Our parents came home a couple hours after we had gotten up that morning so Gerard didn’t have to worry about going to jail. I spent a lot of time with my dad, almost forgetting that Halloween and Frank and I’s birthday was coming up.

Frank and I were always happy to have our birthdays close together. His being on Halloween, and mine two days before, we always had spectacular birthdays. This year we were going to have our family picnic on the Saturday the 30th, the day in between our birthdays, and as our birthday party. So it was safe to so I was pretty excited. I mean I was turning 17! That’s insane.

Now it may be rather confusing, the fact I was just turning seventeen and I’m a senior. But when I started school that stupid, law that cuts off certain kids from starting hadn’t been set as earlier as October yet, so I lucked out. So did Frank.

Anyway, today was Friday and I was officially seventeen. But in all actuality it didn’t feel any different from being sixteen, or even fifteen. I was still the same black haired girl with scars on her arm, sitting on her bed with her tighty-whitey styled panties that had lime green outlines and orange, purple, red, yellow, blue, green, and black stripes on them painting her nails and listening to the local rock station on the radio.

But what I failed to notice, in all my boredom was the most exciting thing to happen in all of my Seventeen years. A moving van driving up to the house acrossed the street. And inside that van, a boy. A boy that may very possibly change my life.
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Hey guys. I had a horrible scare today. My stepdad blocked cookies from my computer and i couldn't get on mibba! i freaked out and thought i couldn't fix it because i have a limited account BUT I DID!!! YAY!! lol[/freaky authors note slash rant.]

anywho, check out my new FRERARD! and LOVE IT. COMMENT IT. SUBSCRIBE IT. READ IT. and that be all. love ya guys