Get Tangled Up In Me

We can leave it all behind

We can stand together, we don't have to look back now

Raven's POV

“Raven!” My mother called. “Get Up!” I slowly rubbed my eyes and yawned. The smell of pancakes and bacon filled my nose and I stirred with a smile on my face. Now this is the best way to wake up. Other than in Gerard’s arms.

I sat up with another yawn and looked around my room. I smiled at my clothes that I spent three hours picking out last night, satisfied that I picked a nice casual look for the picnic today.

On my chair was a nice pair of regular dark washed semi-flared jeans, a black wife beater that said Green Day in green on the front, and my green low tops. Since I was going bare armed today I had a black and green wristband to cover up my scars. I quickly jumped in the shower, jumped out, and blow dried my hair.

I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail leaving my fringe thick on the right side of my face, and then started on my make up. I put my mascara on thickly, then thinly traced my eyes with black eyeliner, finishing the look with some green eye shadow and reddish lip-gloss.

I ran downstairs finally sure that I looked good, and into the kitchen wearing a smile for the first time in months. Today felt like a good day.


48 tofu burgers, 107 cups of lemonade, and 32 presents later, Mikey, Frank, and I sat in an exhausted heap on the floor. My mom had her eighth cup of alcohol about an hour ago and who knows how much since then. Gerard was chatting with the men folk, leaving the younger generation with a missing a person. We all sat in a circle, bored out of our minds and slightly confused about what had happened.

“I’m slightly confused,” Dani said plopping down next to me. “Why is he over there?” We all looked sadly where Gerard was and I sighed shrugging.

“He is no longer one of us,” I replied staring at my shoes. Some birthday this was. We all stared silently at all of our Dad’s chatting with our friend, and our friend looking quite out of place. Suddenly someone cleared their throat from behind us, and every head turned to stare at the odd boy in front of us.

He had dark brown hair and light blue eyes, almost grey that had a somewhat coldness to them. His face was definitely pleasant to look at, and he had snake bits in his bottom lip. He definitely looked like he belonged in our group with his dark skinny jeans, dark blue shirt, black hoodie, and black and white vans. His lips were pulled in a somewhat pleasant but also embarrassed smile and I melted into his eyes. He managed to get me to stop thinking of Gerard for at least two minutes. A new record.

“Urm, Hi.” The strange boy said waving slightly. “I’m Billy. I just moved here from England. My mum told me to come and say hello to the neighborhood kids, so here I am.” He said in an accent but talked almost as if he were an American with a really good cover-up accent. But that was the thing that sealed the deal on my little crush. I really did love a gorgeous guy with an accent to boot.
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dedicated to my lovely claire for brightening my day with the lovely comments she leaves on all my stories, my profile, and my inbox. <3ClaireSparks--x<3

ALSO. Great news. although for the past couple of updates I have forgotten to mention this but when we hit Chapter 17, I got myself a ten star story<33333. I love you all for making this possible for me. Thank you for reading this piece of junk i happen to call my baby. :]