Get Tangled Up In Me

Are you thinking of me?

Are you thinking of him?

You can say I told you so
If you wanted me to go.

I just wanted you to know
That the world is ugly,
But you're beautiful to me.

Gerard’s POV

From the beginning of this picnic I knew it was a bad idea to come. After the birthday part of it, I was immediately sucked into the men’s group where they stood with beer in their hands talking about their wives, work, and the kids. I looked desperately over at the table where everyone else was, but nobody could save me. I was stuck where I didn’t belong.

After about three hours of endless droning about random shit I didn’t care about I looked over to the table I so desperately longed to be at and noticed they were all staring at me as well. I sent them a sad smile before they turned around to see a boy around Raven and Mikey’s age standing there.

At first glance he looked to be ‘one of us’ as Dani would put it, but under further inspecting I could tell exactly what kind of guy he was. He was a user, he used people to get what he wanted then left them in the dirt to fend for themselves. This didn’t bother me, I was used to people like that. The way he was looking at Raven however, did bother me. And quite a bit too.

I spent the rest of that night staring at this ‘Billy’ fellow with dirty looks, a cup with booze by my side. In no time at all he made himself comfortable next to Raven, draping his arm over her with a smile on his face. My nostrils flared as I scowled at him. They got busy with another game of truth or truth and I finished another cup full. Tonight was gonna be a long night.

Finally it was around two in the morning and Mr. Farr decided it was time to clean up. I had finished five cups. I was wasted. And annoyed. Everyone got up and helped put stuff away but me. I just sat there, my eyes following Billy as he followed Raven around, glowering furiously. He was trying to be poliet, I suppose, doing things for her, taking things out of her hand, making her sit down. It just pissed me off even more.

Soon my mom came up to me and tsked as she say how much I had drank. Mr. Farr and my dad was helping Mrs. Farr inside and my mom helped me to the car. I sat in the backseat next to Mikey and we watched Billy walk Raven to her door, flirting shamelessly with his arm slung over her shoulder casually. Nothing could prepar us for the shock we were about to enure.

Raven's POV

I smiled to myself when Billy's arm found his way acrossed my shoulders. It was obvious he liked me, and over the few hours we got to know each other, I knew I kinda liked him too. He could never replace the feelings that I have for Gerard, no one could, but he could distract me. He made me forget, even if it was for a little while, the pain that constantly ran through my heart when I thought of him, saw his smile, heard his laugh. I needed this distraction. Gerard was that type of guy I could wait my whole life for and never get. But Billy, Billy was the type of guy I could see with me in ten years with two kids in the yard of our crappy jersey house.

"Raven?" He laughed waving a hand in front of my eyes. "You in there?" I laughed in looked up at him. He made me feel... Different? I couldn't even describe it.

"Sorry. I was lost in thought. What did you say, Billy?" I smiled. We had reached my door now, and we turned to each other, his arm no longer over me. He grabbed my hand and bit his lip nervously. I got a sudden thought through my head and a brief fit of confidence run through me.

"Billy, I know we just met and don't know much about each other, but-" I stopped and looked down at my feet. He took a finger and picked my chin up smiling softly. The smile didn't reach his eyes though, and they looked at cold as they did when I first met him.

"Raven you wanna catch a movie tomorrow?" He asked reading my mind. I slowly exhaled with a smile.

"I would love too," I said, not starring at Billy but the two spies sitting in the car in front of my house. I sent Gerard a cold smirk before kissing Billy on the cheek. "See you tomorrow," I whispered and shut my door behind me.

Are you thinking of me?
Can we both be ugly?
Can we both be ugly fucks
We could fight it to the end.
I just wanna hold your hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
uh ohs. maybe next Chapter will be in Billy's POV so you can see how fucked up he is? yes yes yes. read my frerard. give it love.
