Get Tangled Up In Me

Don't try to fix me,

I'm not broken

Billy’s POV

I stood outside the movie theater waiting for my latest project. I knew that fake as accent would work, but I didn’t realize it’d be this easy. I saw Raven step out of a car, then turn around and bend over to say goodbye to her dad, giving me a great view of her perfect little ass.

She was wearing a really short skirt, a black wife beater with a white blouse over. The sleeves of the blouse were rolled up and the buttons unbuttoned. She had on a few chunky bracelets, a long silver beaded necklace that looked like it was from Mardi Gras, and her hair was down and obviously blow dried in a sexy way. She was also wearing a sexy grin, that made her look even more confident then her glare. But that didn’t matter at all, because I was to busy undressing her with my eyes.

“Hey babe,” I said kissing her on the cheeks. “You look hot.” She smiled, but I saw a flash of regret in her eyes. Like she was thinking of somebody else. Probably that Gerard person, I’ve heard there is a lot of tension in that department. I needed to fix that.

“I already bought the tickets, so you just pick out some candy and we’ll go in,” I said, obviously pretending to be nice. Like I gave a damn about anything but the candy I was gonna get from her. She picked out some skittles and chattered about useless shit while I nodded and pretended to care. She better be good in bed.

We sat down just as the lights went down and I noticed her messing with her wristband subconsciously. I noticed a couple of harsh looking scars and smiled to myself. This was gonna be easier then I thought.


Raven’s POV

“Mmm Raven,” He whispered in my ear while putting his hand up my shirt. “You taste so good.” I suddenly realized what he was doing and pushed him away from me.

“Billy we talked about this,” I accused, standing up and grabbing my jacket. “I’m not ready.” We had hit it off after the movie date three months ago, and he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Mikey and Gerard have pretty much ignored him, but everyone else seems to like him.

“What is your problem?” He yelled. I stared at him with confusion. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to! I took you to the damn movies, those shitty restaurants, and put up with your fucked up friends. I even pretend not to notice your sick self mutilation. But you won’t even let me touch you!” I shrank back in fear. This was a side of Billy I had never seen.

“Well if you feel this way then why the fuck are we still together?” I yelled back. He eyes flashed and he slowly walked towards me. Before I could figure out what he was doing there was a loud slap! and my hand instinctually went up to my face as my jaw dropped.

“You are nothing. NOTHING. I’m not going to waste my time on you. Don’t you want to stop being bad Raven? Don’t you want me to love you?” He sneered in my face. I felt tears fall, cooling the hand print on my face. I nodded slowly. I did want somebody to love me. He pushed me down on the bed and I squeaked. He slapped me again, this time harder. “I don’t want to hear a sound from you until your going to give me what I deserve. You have to let me love you, Raven. I can’t love you unless you let me do what I want.”

He walked to the other side of the room and sat down on his computer chair, staring at me, waiting. I knew he really did love me, I mean I would be frustrated if it were me in his shoes. I needed him to love me.

“Billy,” I managed to squeak out while pulling my shirt over my head. “You- you can… Do whatever.” He smirked and sat down on the bed, kissing me roughly. I expected to taste something on his breathe. Booze, pot, something, but all I tasted was him. But that was ok. Because now he loved me.
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ok so this chapter was a lot of fun to write. Wow that's harsh. lol but still it was. I hope you like it <3

and check out this really awesome story Helena