Get Tangled Up In Me

You are the only one that needs to know,

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

“Ok guys, today we are going to start our projects.” Gerard announced, capturing all of our attention, especially mine. I loved the shirt he was wearing. It was kinda tight so it showed off his muscles a bit. Not that he had many, but it was still sexy. And damn was his ass looking fine in those skinny jeans. “I listed the partners on the board so check that out to see who you’re working with. When you’ve gotten that all settle I put some paper on the counter and you know where everything else is so you can get started. I’ll be walking around to help anyone that may need any assistance. You can start now.”

I glanced at the bored and what did I see but, Mikey Way and Raven Farr paired together. I grinned and looked over at Mikey who was also grinning.

“Partners!” I said dramitcally hugging Mikey tightly. He just laughed.

“I told you we would be.” He smirked. “I have our art teacher wrapped around my pinkie.” He motioned a circle around his pinkie finger. I rolled my eyes.

“Sureeee you do, Mikes. That’s why you’re failing this class.” That wiped the smirk off his face.

“How did you know?” he asked. I smirked back at him and shrugged.

“I just guessed!” I admitted and he stared at me in surprise. I laughed and pulled out a piece of lined paper.

“Sooooo what are we going to do our project on Raveypoo?” Mikey asked spreading out a big piece of paper.

Our assignment was to make a drawing, collage, sculptor, or whatever about something that changed or affected our lives in a big way. Because of the school board wanting to get literature in every class, we also have to write a report about it. So I figured since Mikey is artistically challenged when it comes to drawing, I would cover the art part and he’d do the literature. I voiced my reasons to him and He smiled and agreed.

“I’m fine with that as long as I get to color!” He said jumping up and down. I laughed at his sudden interest.

“If Mikey Way wants to color, he shall color!” I declared. Mikey looked beside himself in happiness. I giggled a bit before running over to get some chalks from the top shelf. I stood on my tippy toes and reached my arm up trying to reach but I was just to damn short. “Damn it.” I mumbled. Suddenly I felt someone behind me.

“Here let me help, shorty.” Gerard teased, pressing his body onto mine as he reached for the chalk. I slowly let out a sigh of content as I turned around and smiled. I grabbed the chalks out of his hands.

“Thank you so very much, Mr. Way.” I said sincerely as I skipped back over to Mikey. “So what should we do this project on Mikes?” I asked sitting back down at the table. He kind of looked at me for a minute, before looking down at his shoes.

“Maybe, your dad? I mean him going to war effected all of us. Not just you. He kinda held all of us together. I mean all of our family’s, you know? Do you realize we haven’t had a Way/Iero/Farr/Miller/Daniels/Jenkins/Wentz picnic since his going away party?” He asked looking up at me. I smiled and tackled him into a hug.

“We have way too many friends,” I giggled noting the long name for our family picnics. “But I’m oh so happy you want me to draw my dad. Especially since he’s coming home Friday for a visit! Now I can show him!” I quickly set to work, thinking of the perfect pic to use, that I already have embedded in my brain.

I ran back over to the cabinet and put the chalks back, pulling out charcoal instead. I was going to do this one in black and white. Then I ran over to Gerard who was helping Mia with something.

“Mr. Way? Can I go on your computer to print something? I need a visual.” I asked looking up. He smiled.

“Sure Raven. Go ahead.” He answered. I half ran over to the computer and quickly logged in, then went to my latest myspace url hider site to go on my myspace. I logged in and went to my pics to find my favorite one of my dad. He was in his uniform and smiling lovingly at me, who was taking the picture. My dad is my hero. He gets me, ya know? I quickly printed it and looked behind me. Gerard was busy with Mia still, so I could check my messages.

From: Dani is the sex.
To: [[Skittled Senseless]]

Hey home gurl! Saw ur online. ‘sup bitch?

I smiled at Dani. She was so gangsta some times. I quickly replied back.

To: Dani is the sex.
From: [[Skittled Senseless]]

Ha nm. How goes u my bitcheypoo? U got class wit Pete? Tell him he still owes me ten bucks for ‘Kay-Kay’ and Frankaboy. Ya no, the bet.

Xoxo Mwa and kissies.

I clicked send and logged out running back over to Mikey and set to work for the remainder of the hour.

* * *

“Five seconds Frankie babe, five seconds,” I whispered, leaning my head against his shoulder.

“Mmmm. You as hungry as I am?” Frank asked. I rolled my eyes.

“Is food all you ever think about? No I’m just tired of school already!” I answered. It was Wednesday. Two more days until I’m at Gerard’s for the week.

“Raven. It’s only October! You can’t be sick of school already! You’re just excited about going to Gerardddd’s house, hmmm?” Frank teased. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

“It’s not like that.” I mumbled as the bell rang. “Yes!” I screamed jumping up and high fiving Frank.

“We made it! We’re alive!” He yelled. We both ran outside and tackled each other to the ground. “We missed you, outside-ness!” Frank said dramatically, landing on my left wrist. I winced and hissed in pain.

“Damn Frank! You landed on my wrist!” I complained, rubbing my stunging wrist.

“Oh, sorry Rave! Why is it hurting so much though?” He asked frowning a bit. I laughed uncomfortably.

“I had a little accident with the knife last night at dinner. No big.” I answered standing up. “Well I’d better start walking home. Bye!” I waved to him and started the walk home. It was going to be a long night.
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HAPPY V-DAY! i'm hoping to update again tonight, so look for it guys!
tell me, how was ur day? mine was pretty lonely... Cept I got some Jack Sparrow tattoo's (not real ones, wash off ones.) pretty cool, lol.