Get Tangled Up In Me

For the last night I lie,

Can I lie with you?

She put her arms in the arm and bended her back in, her slender body greatly resembling a cat, and sighed lying back down next to me and setting her head on my bare chest. I smiled with glee and wrapped my arms around her and the sheet that covered.

“God I’m such a slut,” She whispered with a pitiful laugh. I instantly felt bad for putting her in this position. I mean I would never take this back, but for doing this when she had a boyfriend. When she was so young. “Are my parents still here?” She asked suddenly.

“No they left right after they let me in. I would have never done that if they hadn’t gone to the store.” I replied a little awkwardly. I sighed and kissed the top of her head. “You’re not a slut Ravey. But I am a criminal now.” She pretended to gasp and I could see that teasing look on her face.

“Oh my god! Rape rapeeee!” She laughed even though she knew deep down it wasn’t funny at all. “Where’s the phone? I have to call the cops!” She pretended to try and find her phone for second then gave up after. “Oh well I’m to lazy to find it, your lucky.”

“Oh shut up you’re the one who cheated on your lovely boyfriend,” I replied just as teasingly. She shut up quickly and took in a sharp breathe while scrunching up her face. I felt bad again.

“Let’s not talk about that,” She suggested. I nodded in agreement and put my arms around her again. It was better not to, really. We shouldn’t ruin this moment.

I sat thinking about what we just did, replaying it in my mind again and again and again. I smiled every time until I realize something was missing. I couldn’t put my finger on what though.

I frowned, distracted by Raven tracing random patterns in my arm, and tried to concentrate. What was missing? I felt a wave of worry fill my as I realized exactly what I may have missed. I slowly got out of bed and walked over to my pants, trying to find my wallet.

“What’s wrong?” Raven asked, confusion masking her face. I ignored her as I pulled on my boxers and opened my wallet. It was still there.

“Shit shit, fuck!” I screamed. She looked surprised and a little scared.

“What? What happened?” She asked again inching away from me a little. I was confused but didn’t really care about that at the moment. I couldn’t figure out how we missed that stupid little step.

“Raven, I am so sorry.” I whispered sitting down on the bed next to her. My head fell into my hands. I couldn’t believe this was happening, I couldn’t believe I had let this happen. “I must have forgotten, I can’t believe. I mean oh my god your seventeen and I’m so old compared to you. I am the worst friend ever. I mean we can’t do this!” She stopped my ranting by putting a cold hand on my cheek. She had a look of understanding on her face and she kept glancing at the condom in my hands.

“Gerard,” She said calmly. I couldn’t believe how she was taking this. “I don’t know a lot of things. But I do know I love you. And I will never ever regret this. If, heaven forbid, anything happens, then fuck it. Stuff happens. But we will always have each other.”

“Why aren’t you scared?” I whispered. She sighed and closed her eyes.

“I am. I am probably the most scared I’ve ever been. But if I could choose the person for this to happen to with me, I’d always pick you. And knowing that, it’s not as scary. I’m graduating in five months. We can get an apartment. I can say its Billy’s. We have options!” She sat on my lap and kissed me hard. I knew that she would be the person I would pick too. “I love you.” She whispered.

“I love you too,” I whispered back and started to play with her hair, braiding it into odd shapes and stuff. I looked up at the window and swore to myself. “It’s really late.” I said regretfully.

“You have to go,” She said sadly. I nodded and she attacked me into a hug. “Call me later, ok? So I can make sure you got home safe. I just, I need to know.” I nodded again and kissed her softly.

“I love you so fucking much, Gerard Arthur Way. Every bit forever and ever,” She swore. I smiled and kissed her again.

“I love you too, sugar. Forever and ever.” Then with one last kiss I was gone.

I let myself out and noticed that thankfully only my car was in the driveway. I drove myself home with a smile on my face. I forced every bad thought out of my mind and focused on the good. On Raven. I can’t believe I waited this long to tell her how I felt. So much time we wasted, so many years we could have had. So much trouble she wouldn’t have gotten into. No cutting and no Billy. It’d be perfect.

I practically skipped into my house while whistling I was so happy. I probably looked like a tortured penguin.

“What’s with you, Tinkerbelle?” Mikey snorted. I rolled my eyes and ignored him, walking down to my room. Not even he could ruin my mood.

I found my phone where I left it on my bed and noticed I had sixteen missed calls all from Dani. I frowned as I called her back. I waited impatiently as the phone rang and rang. Sixteen times had to have some importance. I mean she never calls me anyway.

“Hello?” She answered annoyed. I rolled my eyes. Normal Dani.

“Hey, why’d you call so much?” I asked just as annoyed. She took a deep breathe and I waited for the usual mile a minute Dani convo.

“I have to tell you something,” She said oddly. It sounded like she’d been crying or something. “It- I, well I didn’t know who else to tell.” Then she started to cry.

“Hold on, Dans. Slow down! What happened?” I asked worriedly, sitting up straight. She took more deep breathes and calmed down a little.

“Gerard, there’s something about Billy that Raven isn’t telling you……”
♠ ♠ ♠
ohhhh drama!

thanks for the comments and messages. they make me feel all warm inside >.<