Get Tangled Up In Me

If I lay here, If I just lay here

Would you lie with me
And just forget the world

“Can you pass the salt?” I smiled and handed the salt over. Gerard smiled back and took it out of my hand, his fingers softly grazing my own. I had it bad.

I looked around the noisy house and felt out of place in my Christmas Dress. It was family tradition for us to come back to my house after church, and for yet another year, my mother forced me into a frilly dress. I pitied her since it was, after all, my last year with her. In just about six months, I would graduate and be on my own. Just Gerard and I. Partners in crime.

I saw Frank on the other end of the table with Kay sitting on his lap arguing with Dani and Mikey as usual. I couldn’t help but smile at my friends, I loved them so much. I didn’t want to leave them ever. I don’t know if I would be able to live.

The sudden thoughts of all these depressing possibilities made me think of the feeling of the cold razorblade touching my warm skin gently before the sting of the metal cutting through my skin. I remember the high I always felt afterwards and closed my eyes trying to channel the feeling. I needed the feeling.

“You ok?” He asked frowning at me. My eyes fluttered open. I smiled and nodded, trying to keep my focus on the feeling. Acrossed the table Gran was starring at Gerard and me with a knowing smile. I elbowed Gerard lightly and nodded her way. He frowned. “Nana? Are you alright?”

She kept on smiling. “Oh, I’m fine. How are you darling?” She looked like she was trying to keep from laughing. I love Gerard’s Grandma. She was basically my own since my dad’s parents died when he was younger and my mom never spoke with her own alcoholic mother. Very hypocritical if you ask me. So anyway, she basically adopted me as her own, not that I’m complaining.

“We’re fine,” He answered, frowning when her smile grew. I started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” He asked glancing between us. Gran leaned closer to the two of us with that ever-growing smirk.

“Well, I have to say, it’s about time,” She whispered, before sitting up straight and chuckling to herself. Gerard looked absolutely stunned, but I just continued to laugh. It was obvious she knew from the looks she was giving us.

“Well, I can say one thing Gran; we can’t keep a thing from you!” I laughed. She winked at me before getting up to help clear the table. I leaned over to Gerard where I whispered softly in his ear, “Wanna go watch a movie in my room with me?” He turned his head to look at me and nodded, smiling.

We snuck upstairs where I quietly shut my door. We were surely going to be missed, but frankly, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t put two and two together. But I doubt anybody but Gran is smart enough to do that.

“What do you want to watch?” Gerard asked crouching down to browse my movies. I slipped out of my heels and peeled off my panty hose while thinking.

“How about… No, I just saw that one. Hmm, well there is always… No I’m not in the mood for that,” I paused and frowned before sighing. “You can choose.” I didn’t think a second thought about slipping my dress over my head and hanging it up in my closet. When I turned around, I ran straight into Gerard where he instantly attached his lips to mine. I felt warm all over even though I was standing in just my bra and panties.

“Come on, Rardy,” I whispered as his lips moved to my neck. I felt my eyes closing and a moan start to flutter up my throat. “I… I have to get dresseddd!” He sighed and reluctantly let go of me, pouting.

“But I like you better like this!” He complained, throwing himself on my bed. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my Batman Jim Jams and Spongebob slippers. After I successfully got them on with only the feeling of Gerard’s eyes boring into my ass, I curled up under my blanket with him.

“So, what are we watching?” I whispered. He smirked and shook his head.

“You’ll see,” He teased. I sighed and smiled, decided it wasn’t worth it to fight him on this. I rested my head on his chest and his arms automatically went around my waist and held me close. “I love you,” He reminded me. I smiled some more.

“I love you too!” I squealed excitedly. He laughed at me and started playing with my hair. It felt nice not to be shoved around all the time. For once I felt like a normal teenage girl who… Well as normal as you can be for being in bed with your teacher. I giggled to myself about how gross that sounded.

The previews were just about over, not that I was paying any attention. I was to busy tracing random patterns in Gerard’s chest. It was a fun hobby. I glanced up at the TV screen and squealed in delight. I was squealing a lot to night.

“It’s my favorite movie!” I laughed clapping my hands in excitement. “Ahh! I love 10 Things I Hate About You!” He smiled as I laid my head back on him and calmed down a little, his fingers gently touching my hair again.

As the movie went on, I tried to pay attention. I was mostly whispering the lines to myself subconsciously, but I got distracted listening to Gerard’s heartbeat. I could feel it beating in time with mine and it made me smile. Could that be a sign that this is supposed to be? That everything will be ok? That our hearts belong together to beat in a rhythm of love forever? I doubt it.

Because out of the corner of my eye, I could see the headlights of a car swinging into the driveway next door. Somebody was home early. And that somebody wasn’t going to be happy if he saw his girlfriend in bed with another man. Especially the one she’s with.
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Ok so to make life a hell of a lot easier for all of us, I've made a schedule for when I'm going to update and it is starting full force Monday. I wrote a journal entry about it so check it out along with my other work. :]

gossip girl

im happy to say i got a lot of comments so i decided to change my attitude to 'fuck it all' mode. If you comment, it makes me happy. It makes me want to update. It makes me feel loved. So basically more comments=suprise updates. hell comments=better updates. so comment if you like, I don't care anymore. I'm doing this for you guys anyway.