Get Tangled Up In Me

I don’t have anyone at home to talk to,

And you don’t have anything to do.

The rest of Winter Break went pretty quickly, and soon my dad had to leave again. We spent like five fucking hours in the stupid airport and the heat was broken there so I was in a pretty pissy mood by the time we got home. I went into my room and threw myself onto my bed before bursting out in tears. This was way to much stress for one 17-year-old girl. I’m surprised my hair hasn’t fallen out yet.

Today is the last day before we go back to school, it’s like January 4th or something. I don’t even remember the date. But it’s kind of nerve racking because in just a few hours I’ll have to face that dumbass Billy. At least I know I’m not falling for his tricks anymore. I can be strong and break up with him. I’ll just need back up.

The phone ringing interrupted me from my plotting and I wiped my tears away and quickly answered the phone.

“Hello?” I stood up and started straightening up the mess that was considered my room. You couldn’t even see the friggen floor.

“Raven! I need your help!” Gerard’s muffled voice rang from the receiver. I swallowed my giggles and tried to sound serious.

“What did you get eaten by your closet or something?” I asked sarcastically, pulling on Gerard’s black ‘You Smell’ sweatshirt he left here ages ago.

“Um… Kinda?” He answered and I started laughing. “I was trying to clean out my closet and then it closed and the door knob fell off! I’m home alone and you need to come help me. I’m lucky I had my phone in my pocket.”

“Alright, Alright! I’ll be over in a second.” I hung up the phone and ran downstairs to see my brother attempting to make pancakes and my mother help passed out on the couch. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her keys before leaving the house.

It took me a little longer then usual to get to the Way’s house because the snow was coming down so hard but I got there as quickly as I could and let myself in through the front door. I heard the usual music coming down from Gerard’s basement room and walked down the stairs to see him sitting on his bed smiling at me.

“What the hell?” I yelled throwing the first thing I saw at him (which was a shoe of course) while he laughed.

“I was lonely and I knew you’d be to lazy to come if there wasn’t a reason so I stuffed myself in my closet and called you,” I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him.

“You could have just asked me nicely,” I complained peeling off my jacket and laying down. “So what are we going to do?” He took a deep breath as he laid down next to me.

“Well we could make cookies, or go throw snowballs, or watch a movie, or color pictures, or eat pie, or drink coffee, or…” I interrupted him with a devious smile.

“Let’s go make cookies, then eat pie, cookies, and drink coffee while watching a movie and coloring pictures!” I suggested jumping up and running upstairs while he turned off his music. When I got upstairs I put on the Christmas music station and pulled out the cookie dough.

Two hours later we had finished eating everything made with sugar in his house and were watching Frosty the Snowman when the phone rang. Gerard stood up and answered it, glancing at the caller id first.

“Hey, mom, what’s up?” He asked frowning. I heard the mumble of her voice but couldn’t make out anything.

“Raven’s here, yeah I’ll have her call her mom.” He paused for a second. “Ok Love you, bye.” He hung up the phone and sat down next to me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He smiled at me.

“There’s a snow storm. Your stuck here with me and my parent’s are stuck at k-mart.” I giggled at the thought of crazy Mikey stuck in a store. I felt bad for his parents.

“Well, what are we going to do?” I asked raising my eyebrows. He smirked at me before lightly pushing me back on the couch.

“Oh, I can think of a few things…” He answered before kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back. I had a feeling things would eventually get to this.
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I'm sorry it's been so long. My lifes been crazy lol. I've been threatened if I didn't update so I've finally gotten around to it. I'm sorry for yet another fluffy filler. and I'm sorry i lied and said the last one was the last fluffy one. This time I swear it's the last one.

i just redyed my hair red. I'd share the sexiness with you all but I can't find my camera cord :/ Oh wellss! Oh I have a twitter so if any of you guys have one add me. I dunno if you guys know but mcr has twitters too. You can find out more info about them on mcr's page.

and CONGRATS TO LYN-Z AND GERARD <3 they're gonna have a baby next summer if you haven't heard yet! :D Go read mcr's blogs their fucking hilarious. Especially Gerard's. My friend Gia says he def says fierce to much for a 31 yeard old straight man XD

love yasss and COMMENT BITCHES!