Get Tangled Up In Me

I wanna scream "I Love You"

From the top of my lungs,
But I'm afraid that someone else would hear me.

We ended up downstairs in his bed a couple hours after that, and I decided I was tired. The electricity had gone out a while ago, so it was damn cold in this house. We laid together, as close as can be, while wrapped up in all the blankets we could find.

We turned the tv on so we could use it as an excuse; if someone questions our sleeping arrangements we can blame the cold and say we fell asleep during a movie. Luckily, it was cold so we didn’t have to both about a lack of clothes speech because we were both bundled up in a bunch of sweatshirts. I think I had four sweatshirts, two sweatpants, gloves, and six hats on my Head. It was kinda funny. I was definitely exaggerating my cold, but it made Gerard laugh.

I was so comfortable between my many clothes, Gerard, his many clothes, and all the blankets that I fell into a comfortable slumber almost immediately. I could definitely get used to this.

* * *

Gerard’s POV

I carefully slipped out from under the blankets and Raven’s taunting hold. I didn’t want to get up but I had to get in the shower if there was any chance of me getting to school on time this morning.

Her dry lips parted as they complained. “Nooo, don’t go!,” She begged sleepily, her eyes still clamped shut. I smiled and leaned down to her.

“Ssh, go back to sleep,” I soothed kissing her forehead lightly. She nodded with this cute determined look on her face and settled back down, bring the blanket to her nose like she was smelling it. I think she actually was.

I sniffed a little at it before I stood up. All I could smell was the place where I spilt my cologne mixed with my mom’s soap. Then I realized she must have smelled it for my smell, to fill the void I just left. That made me smile.

I quickly jumped into the shower. I was surprised I didn’t feel the usual magnetic pull towards my coffee pot this morning, and once again the feeling came in my head that Raven really was my anti-drug, my everything. Without her I would be lost.

When I got out of the shower, I walked out of the bathroom in my room with just my towel on because I forgot that Raven was there when I went in and didn’t have clothes in the bathroom to change into.

When I had finally gotten dressed I sat on the bed next to Raven. She had fallen back asleep, and with her lips slightly open and her hair all messed up she looked so peaceful. But I knew better.

The way she had her fist balled up, a slight frown on her face. She wasn’t having pleasant dreams. She started scratching at her arms, like she was trying to pick the scabs off. I suddenly got curious and sat down next to her on the bed, gently bringing her arm into my lap and turning it over to see the damage she had done.

Pride flooded through me as I delicately ran my fingers down her healing arms. Scabs were all I could see. Nothing new. I was so relieved. She was getting past this. I had to admit that I was doubting her. She hadn’t said a word about it, hadn’t even shown the signs of addiction when she didn’t get what she wanted. But this was the proof. I softly kissed her arm and smiled, breathing in the perfumey scent. I loved this girl.

“Come on, Rave. It’s time to get up sweetie,” I called lightly kissing her forehead. She didn’t respond so I kissed her lips. I could tell she had been ignoring me before, because he arms locked around my neck, pulling me closer. I laughed and pulled away. “You have to get ready for school.” She pouted.

“Fine!” She grumbled throwing herself out of bed dramatically. I smiled and patted her cheek.

“I’ll get the coffee. I think you have some clothes in the bottom drawer. If not something of Mikey’s would work.” She sighed and nodded running her fingers through her hair. I kissed her, hard this time, before pulling away to go upstairs.

Today we would have to deal with the things we refused to deal with earlier. The problems that have been going on between that piece of shit and Raven. The things that still make me want to chop him into a thousand tiny pieces and light him on fire. Then do it again.

But I had to admit, I wasn’t sure how I would react. I don’t know if I could keep my rage in control, even if it were just for the forty minutes I shared a classroom with him. I don’t think I could control myself if I saw him anywhere near Raven. Hell, I couldn’t control myself whether he was in the room or not. I wanted him to die.

I took deep breathes and closed my eyes, leaning against the door to my basement. This was all just so fucked up, I couldn’t believe it. Crazyness, stress, and worry surrounded everything I did. The only thing that kept me, well, me, (that’s a lot of commas) was Raven. Knowing that she was here made everything ok.
But I'm afraid that someone else would hear me.

I walked out into the kitchen and smiled at my brother. “Did you make me coffee?” I asked. He nodded his head towards the half-full pot, and was otherwise silent. I frowned, studying him as I sipped my freshly made cup of coffee. “What’s up your ass?”

He glanced up at me, his mouth in a thin line. He ignored my question and returned one of his own to me. “Did you and Raven sleep together last night?” I paled, if possible.

“We watched a movie and fell asleep on my bed last night. So yeah, but it was unintentional,” I smiled to myself. I definitely got points for that big word.

“That wasn’t my question,” He snapped, slamming his cup down on the table as he walked out of the room. I stared after him, my jaw hanging open.

“Jeez, you’ll catch a lot of flies if you keep that up,” Raven laughed walking over to me and stealing my cup from my hands and taking a sip. I smiled, but halfheartedly. I was never worried about Mikey finding out about us before, but I don’t understand why he’s acting so jealous. I’ve never seen him like this before.

I shook my head and focused on the beautiful girl in front of me. “Are you alright?” She asked, her voice laced with worry. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waste, pulling her close.

“I’m perfect. You're perfect. Everything is perfect when you’re here,” I sighed and kissed her forehead, pausing to whisper in her ear. “I love you so much.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM SO FUCKING SORRY! it has been FOREVER! gahh. i suck at life, you all know that!

I GOT AWESOMENESS FOR CHRISTMAS THOUGH. and im totally obsessed with caps atm. tell me how your holidays were! and happy new year! love ya all!