Get Tangled Up In Me


School was… weird to say the least. I mean I expected that of course. I just wished… it would be easier. I mean being pregnant, something nobody but Gerard and I knew was the least of my problems at the moment.

I stopped sleeping at night. Sure, I faked it whenever anyone came in the room, but ultimately, I was a zombie and everyone knew it. That’s why this morning, when I mumbled my usual bullshit about not being ready, Gerard exploded.

“Your fucking going, Raven,” He said a little rudely. “I sick and tired of this. Get up and get dressed.” He threw a shirt and pair of pants at me and stomped out of the room.

Which is the only reason I am slowly walking down the school hallway with my head held down in shame. Because I love him.

“Oh Raven?” I heard someone call from behind me. I turned with a frozen sulk on my face, scared at the possibility of actually talking to someone other then the Way family.

“Oh, hi Ms. Cuts.” I said less then enthusiastically. I knew I would have to talk to her eventually, but I didn’t think she’d be the first person I’d see. “I don’t mean to be rude, but what do you need? I’m kinda in a hurry.” Ok, I did mean to be rude. But she deserves it.

“Well,” She said snippily. “I know when I’m not wanted. Come by my office at lunch though, ok?” She gave me this glare and turned on her heel, stomping away. Even in my fragile state I couldn’t help but laugh at the retardedly messed up women.

“Aw,” Frankie cooed from behind me. “You’re laughing again!” I smiled and nodded giving him a hug.

“I’m feeling a lot better, actually. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I’m ok with what happened.” I paused and took a deep breath. “I guess I’m just a little nervous about coming back.”

“Well that’s a no brainer,” Kayla laughed, leaning over and giving Frankie a kiss on the cheek, then enveloping me in a huge hug. I winced a little, not used to anybody but Gerard touching me, but quickly regained my composure and hugged her just as hard.

“Come on,” Frankie called to us. “Let’s go find the others.”


This day was getting psycho. People I had never spoken to come up and told me they were sorry, asked if I was ok, and other stuff like that. I was ok, but some of the girls wanted to hug me, and that was awkward. It got to the point where Dani would stand next to me like a fricken bodyguard or something.

It was kind of funny, actually.

Gerard was always watching me carefully in the classes I had with him, making sure I was ok. I’d send him a weak smile, and he’d return it, his eyes promising everything when we got home. Something that made me dislike school even more.

Finally the lunch bell rang and everyone piled into the cafeteria and hallways, busy chatter polluting the school. I loved the beginning of lunch, especially today, because you just became invisible. And that was always nice.

What was most surprising is that even Stephanie Brookes and Thomas Cleveland were being nice to me. I mean, Stephanie gave me a hug and didn’t even mention the fact that I was wearing an oversized t-shirt that hid everything, and Thomas didn’t even say anything to me, which is a big improvement.

I passed Shawn in the hall and he asked if I was coming to Gerard’s for lunch, but I shook my head and explained about meeting with Ms. Cuts. He gave me hug, like pretty much everybody else in this school, and patted my cheek. He was so weird.

I walked into the guidance office and turned the corner to Ms. Cuts office. The door was adjar, and I could only see Cuts, but I could hear Gerard’s voice quiet, but urgent.

“I don’t want her to find out, ok?” He pressed. “It would just make everything more difficult. I can’t risk making everything she’s going through worse. You know she doesn’t like you, it would break her heart.”

“How am I supposed to care if she has some stupid school girl crush on you, Gerard?” Eliza hissed. “We’re adults. You need to start acting like one, and stop hanging out with teenagers. No wonder nobody else wants you.”

The words nobody else stung my ears. It was possible she meant me in that, but knowing Eliza, she was talking about herself. Meaning there was something between her and Gerard.

I felt my eyes sting with tears but took a deep breath and wiped them away, knocking on the door with a smile plastered on my face.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Ms. Cuts? We have an appointment?” I muttered, doing everything I could to keep my gaze away from Gerard and his guilty face. I wasn’t sure what I had just walked in on, but I knew I didn’t like it. And I knew that I was going to do my best to figure out what the hell was going on.
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so I'm definitely getting back into this. expect another soon. maybe even tonight. but no promises.