Get Tangled Up In Me

I Don't Know What I Want

But I Know It's Not You

“Raven,” Mikey called out, almost needily. (I love making up words) It was getting a little annoying, actually. He never left me alone. I sighed and put down my book.

“Yes, Mikey?” I asked a little rudely. He glanced at me nervously and sat on my bed next to me.

“I just wanted to make sure you ok,” He said quietly. I felt my shoulders sag and felt bad a little.

“Why would you think I’m not ok?” I asked frowning. He shrugged and picked at the blanket on my bed.

“I don’t know, you and Gerard seem weird. And with everything that’s happened, I just want to make sure that you know you can talk to me,” He sounded like he was about to cry. I felt so bad. “You never talk to me anymore.” He said quietly.

“Aww, Mikey,” I cooed, pulling him into a hug. “Sweetie, I’m fine, ok? I know I can talk to you and the second I need to, I will I swear. I don’t know what’s wrong with Gerard, but it’s none of my business so it doesn’t matter.” I did feel bad not being honest with him, because I knew all he wanted to do was be a good friend, but I don’t think he could handle the truth.

“I really care about you, Raven,” he said shyly. I frowned ever so slightly and looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but love shining back at me. As I stared at him, I did everything I could to hold back my laughter.

I finally saw it. What everyone always talked about, and I always laughed off. Mikey Way is in love with me. He was hopelessly and entirely in love with me. And I loved his brother.

That thought stopped the giggles from wanting to sneak out. We were all in a big hopeless love circle. Mikey wanted me, I wanted Gerard, and as I much as I hate to admit it, Gerard wanted somebody else. I mean, if he didn’t, he’d be here and not Mikey.

I sighed and gave Mikey another hug. “Sweetie, you are my best friend. I care about you too. Now let’s go get some ice cream, ok?” He smiled, then laughed, and suddenly we were right back where we were before Billy came along. Just like old friends.

* * *

After a weekend of messing around with my friends, and trying to put all my worrying at the back of my mind, I ran inside the Way’s house, needing to get started on my homework, when the phone rang.

Nobody was home but me, so I grabbed the phone and breathlessly answered. “Hello?”

“Raven? Is that you sweetie? Oh I’ve missed you so much!” My mom’s raspy voice filled my ears. I frowned.

“Hi mom!” I said halfheartedly. “How are you?”

“Oh, things have been going really well.” She laughed. “I think they’ll let me go home soon, isn’t that just great?”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “But just make sure your ready, ok?”

“Hmm,” She said simply. I knew she hated it when I implied she couldn’t do something. “So how is your brother?”

“Oh, um, he’s ok.” I frowned trying to remember where he was. “I think he went to his friend Sam’s house.”

“Oh, well that nice.” She sighed, sounding bored with our conversation. “Well, I have to go sweetie, be good for Donna. I’d better not hear a bad report when I get home.” I rolled my eyes. Even from miles away she still was the same controlling bitch.

“I will,” I replied. “Bye Mom.”

“Bye I love you,” She called, but I was already halfway through hanging up the phone.

Don’t love you, I thought to myself, though instantly feeling bad. Not because I thought it, but more so because it was true.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and simple. Not usually how I deal 'em, but oh well.

19 more updates until it's over. scary, huh?
sequel is a definite tho.
