Get Tangled Up In Me

I've Never Told A Lie,

And That Makes Me A Liar

“Are you ready?” Dani asked from behind me as I grabbed my bag from my locker. The last bell had just rang and Dani agreed to take me to my ultrasound today.

“No,” I admitted. “But I don’t really have a choice. I’m keeping this baby.” She smiled and gave me a hug.

“I just wish that more people in this situation would be as brave as you are.” She cooed. I laughed and slapped her arm lightly, trying to make the situation lighter.

Truth be told, I wasn’t brave. I was terrified. I didn’t want to have this baby, but I didn’t want an abortion either. I don’t know what I want.

“Well come on, let’s go.” She said finally. I nodded and followed her out the door, glancing at the door to the office just as Gerard hastily walked through the door. I pursed my lips, knowing there was no reason other then Eliza that he should be in there.

“He’s going to her office again,” I commented as we got into the car. Dani sighed loudly.

“Don’t jump to conclusions. Maybe he’s going in there to talk about you. I mean he’s probably just really worried about you after what happened, and afraid of making it worse if he talks to you about it.” Dani said, spreading her wisdom to closed ears. “Show him some trust.”

“Dani, I know he’s cheating on me,” I argued. “Call it intuition if you want, but I just know.” She huffed as she pulled out of the parking spot.

“I’m not going to argue with you,” She snapped. “Because I of all people know it’s useless. But I am going to voice my opinion. And my opinion is that you need to shut the fuck up and open your eyes.” My eyes widened at the way she was speaking to me. We never talked to each other like this.

“He is fucking in love with you,” She continued. “For anyone who wants to see it, its obviously there. SO open your eyes and realize how lucky you are. He is a decent human being, who cares for you and your ex-boyfriends rape child. So shut up and appreciate him more.”

The rest of the ride was silent.

* * *

“How was your appointment?” Gerard asked, falling on the bed next to me. I smiled and rolled over to be closer to him.

“It was good. Everything is ok with the baby,” I smiled. “Haven’t seen you around lately.” He sighed.

“I’m sorry,” He put his arms around me. “I just, I’m afraid I’m going to say the wrong thing. And I’m just really worried about you. I know it isn’t a good excuse…” He trialed off and I nodded.

“Dani thought it was something like that.” I studied his face carefully as I let the next sentence spill from my mouth. “I thought you were cheating on me.” I laughed a little after I said it, so he would know I was over that. But his face was serious, and his eyes looked nervous and guilty.

“I could never cheat on you, babe,” He smiled, kissing my head. “I love you to much.”

“I love you too,” I smiled, happy things were getting better in my life, but I still couldn’t help but feel there was something he was keeping from me.

“C’mere you,” He laughed tickling my sides. I laughed and tried to squirm away until his lips came down hard on mine. It felt so right.

I just hoped we were right.
♠ ♠ ♠
saw all time low last night. they played remembering sunday. best concert ever, with the exception of My Chem. because that literally was the best concert ever.