Get Tangled Up In Me

I think she knows what I'm trying to say

But I don't know how She's finding me out

Dani’s POV

“Aw, I told you you had nothing to worry about,” I bragged to Raven as we walked to our second period.

“Yeah, I guess,” She sighed. “I mean everything is alright between us, but I get the feeling that he’s keeping something from me. I’m just not sure what exactly.” She toyed with the necklace Gerard gave her for Christmas, something I hadn’t seen her wear in a very long time.

“Oh, knock it off,” I teased. “Your just paranoid.” She laughed.

“Do I have any reason not to be?” She said, a little bitterly. “Considering my ex-boyfriend that is.” I sighed and hugged her.

“Everything will be ok, Raven.” I said softly.

“I hope your right,” She said. “Well I’ll see you later, I guess.” She hugged me and walked to her next class. I sighed, remembering that I had to drop something off to Gerard.

“Dani, wait up!” I heard Shawn call behind me. I turned around with a huge smile on my face.

“Shawny!” I squealed as he kissed me. My boyfriend had been away for about a week and a half, on vacation before graduation.

“Hey, babe,” He smiled kissing me. “I missed you. Will you come with me to turn this note in at Guidance?” I smiled.

“Sure, I’d love to,” I took his hand. “So how was Cape Cod?” I half listened while he was explaining to me how wonderfully boring the time he spent with his older sister, younger brother, and parents was, when I saw Gerard walk into Ms. Cuts office, and remembered the paper I had to give him.

“That’s nice hun,” I cut Shawn off with a kiss. “I have to go give something to Mr. Way. See you at lunch!” I walked down the hallway and passed at the door with a frown.

I could hear soft mumbles, then silence. Then… Oh my god. Was that a moan?! I knocked lightly on the door, pushing it over and gasped.

Laid on the table was Eliza with none other then Gerard Way in between her legs. Although fully clothed, I knew there was more then just work going on in here.

“Dani!” Gerard yelped. “It’s not what you think!” But his cries were useless. I was already halfway out of the office.

* * *

The rest of the day was awkward as hell. I tried my best to avoid Raven until I decided whether I was going to tell her or not, but she cornered me in the bathroom after school.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, somewhat suspiciously, her eyes narrowed a little. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair making a sudden decision.

“Don’t worry, babe.” I smiled putting an arm around my best friend. “I just got into a little argument with Shawn. Just needed some alone time is all.” She smiled and chatted me up as we walked to Gerard’s car.

He glanced at me nervously, but my only response was a scowl. My opinion of Gerard Way from then on was scum, and I knew I had to try to get Raven to realize that without hurting her.

After he dropped us off, he tried to corner me into a talk. “Dani can you at least let me explain?” I whipped around to glare at him.

“Save it Gerard.” I snarled. “Raven is actually happy for once in her life! Can you be anymore selfish?”

“I just… You won’t tell her will you?” he begged. I sighed.

“No, I won’t. You will. Before she figures it out anymore then she already has.” I laughed in his face. “I cannot believe I stuck up for your pathetic ass.”

“Dani, please, just hear me out!” He all but got on his knees. I sighed and closed my eyes.

“You have five minutes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
oh fuck.
did i seriously just do this?
uh wait. i think i did.