Get Tangled Up In Me

Because These Words Were Never Easier For Me To Sa

Or for her to second guess

Gerard’s POV

I took a deep breath and sat down on the bench next to Dani. I was tired of the games, I was tired of the tricks. But most of all, I was tired of lying to everyone I loved.

“It was a couple months ago,” I started, remembering the exact date. “I had stayed late while Raven was still in the hospital…”


I was working late, trying to finish grading last minute assignments and projects before the marking period ended. There were only a few left, and I was contemplating with myself whether to go ahead and go home or stay and finish when I heard my door open.

“Gerard?” I heard the horrid giggle of my ex-girlfriend, Eliza. Of course, no one know about the past relations between Eliza and I other then Mikey. It was in high school and I had to have him help cover when I snuck out to fuck her. Hey, she was easy then, and I’m sure she’s easier now.

“I’m in the middle of something, Eliza.” I said, my voice in monotone. She sighed and sat on my papers so I couldn’t work, her long legs in my face.

“Mm, I wish you’d be in the middle of something else,” She laughed. My face scrunched in disgust.

“Do you mind?” I asked, my patience growing thin. She fiddled with a strand of her bleach blonde hair.

“I heard about Raven,” She said finally. I raised my eyebrows in vague interest. She continued. “Are you doing ok?” I stared at her, trying to figure out her game.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, my guilt obvious in my tone. She smirked.

“Come on, Gerard,” She said softly. “I’m not that stupid. I’ve know since you asked me months ago to keep an eye on her. You love her. And she loves you back.”

I was speechless. “Eliza,” I breathed out. She stopped me by placing her finger to my lips.

“Don’t worry.” She cooed. “I won’t tell… For a price.” My eye grew wide. All I could focus on was how I ruined myself. I wasn’t careful, hell I shouldn’t have even started this whole affair. But I had a way out.

“Anything.” I swore. She smiled and stepped off my desk to straddle me.

“I think you know what I want,” She smirked. The last of the grading was soon forgotten.

I shuddered at the memory. Dani looked shocked. “So, you did this to save you and Raven’s love?” She said slowly. I nodded. “Oh you are so scandalously adorable!”

“Thank You?” I laughed as she threw her arms around me.

“I thought you were scum!” She admitted. “Oh, Gerard Way you never cease to amaze me.” I smiled, but knew her happy mood wouldn’t last. There was one thing that always came above everything else to Dani, and that was Raven.

“Well, we can’t tell her.” She said finally. “It would kill her.”

“I know,” I sighed, putting my head in my hands. “But I can’t handle lying anymore. It breaks my heart to know she trusts me that much.”

“Well, we have to!” Dani argued. “She cannot know! And I will help as much as I can. Just make sure Raven never finds out. Graduation is in three months. We can last that long, and then you two can move to New York and live off each others love.” She said dreamily. I laughed.

“Don’t get carried away,” I warned. “This will never work.”

“Well, it has to.”

Without you I'll be miserable at best
♠ ♠ ♠
couldn't handle Gerard being a bad guy.
just a little jerkish :]
enjoy. even if it's short :/
AND BY THE WAY! i just read an AMAZING story, called CRAYONS. Please read it. it's amazing and Gerard is in it.

it deserves ten stars, I swear, but it only has one. sadness :[
anywho, comments please!