Get Tangled Up In Me

Lost in coma and covered in cake.

“Raven! Get up!” My mother snapped opening my bedroom door and rubbing her hand on her forehead. She probably had a horrible handover. Serves her right.

“Mommy will you make me breakfast?” I groaned sitting up and rubbing my eye. She snorted.

“I would, hun, but I couldn’t take the smell. Eat at school.” She replied turning around to leave. “And hurry up or you’ll miss your bus.” She called over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes. She knows I don’t ever ride the bus, and that I usually make her drive me.

I slowly got out of bed, missing the warm softness of my duvet. I quickly put a cd in and danced my way to being ready for school. Ten minutes later I had my messenger bag over my shoulder, a pop tart in my mouth, and I was running out the door, just as my bus left.

“Damn it!” I yelled. I sighed and turned to go back in the house but the door was locked. “Mom! Let me in!”

“Raven, you’re walking to school. I’m not driving you or giving you the keys. I’m sick and tired of this!” She snapped back at me.

“But it’s like fucking negative five out here! I’ll freeze!” I exaggerated, yelling back and stamping my foot.

“You should of thought of that when you turned your alarm off.” She answered and I heard her walking away from the door. What a bitch. I slammed the screen door loudly, hopefully that hurt her head because of her hangover. Ha.

I began the walk to school, which wasn’t far, but still… I’m so lazy! My lips were turing blue, I couldn’t move my fingers, and I had lost all feeling in my ears when I heard a car screech to a stop next to me, and the sound of a window rolling down.

“Raven get your ass in the car!” Gerard commanded. Thank god for him! Mikey looked at me worriedly as I scrambled into the warm heaven.

“Oh my god, Raye!” He squeaked. “Are you ok? You’re bluer than in seventh grade when Ms. Pinski made you be the blueberry in the play!” I glared at him, bringing up stupid shit like that. It was a painful memory, it was right after Jeffery Clark turned me down, and I was blue for three weeks because of the paint my teacher used.

“You just had to bring that up, didn’t you Mikes. Painful memories of blue, and Jeffery Clark. And people wonder why I hate the color blue.” I clattered. It was sooooo cold!

“Sorry!” He squeaked back. I rolled my eyes and smiled. He was definitely my best friend for a reason. He was pretty much the only one that would take my shit, and let me boss him around.

“Raven,” Gerard started glancing back in his rearview mirror at me. “Why were you walking?” I sighed, knowing this question would come up sooner or later.

“My Mom was tired of me missing the bus and having to drive me, so she made me walk. Not that big of a deal.” I answered just as we pulled up to the school.

“Is there anything going on with your mom, Rave?” He asked frowning. Yes, I wanted to say, she’s turning into you. She’s just another person letting me down. Another person causing me pain.

“No, not that I’m aware of!” I squeaked, climbing out of the car. “Well I have to go, don’t want to be late for homeroom.” Then I ran, well walked because I’m lazy, away quickly before any other questions came up.

And that’s when I realized. Gerard is my homeroom teacher. Talk about face palm!
♠ ♠ ♠
Who ever can tell me what song those lyrics (chapter title) are from, I will give them a surpriseeee! I will give you a hint: obviously they song is by My Chemical Romance, but the cd that the song is on is Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. Tell me in your comments if you know which song it is!!!

This chapter is dedicated to: Rebel_Junkie cause i luff her for reasons that she knows and because she comments the most. <3

anywho, sorry about the wait. I have been very good at thinking of other things I should be doing instead of updating and for that I apologise. I know this one is rather small, so I'm going to try and write another update for you tomorrow, but I'm going to my dad's for the weekend so I don't know how that will work out. I love you all, and please comment!
-becca <3