Get Tangled Up In Me

Your eyes are the size of the moon.

Today was Friday. Today was the day my dad was coming home for two weeks. My mom wanted a week of alone time with him so today I’m going to Gerard’s after school until Sunday when we are going to have another Way/Iero/Farr/Miller/Daniels/Jenkins/W -entz family picnic, since we haven’t had one in ten months.

I have to admit I am excited. But then, who wouldn’t be? I’m spending a whole week sleeping in Gerard Way’s bed. Yes that’s right, his bed. He offered it because he didn’t think I should have to sleep on the couch. Actually what he said was ‘no living thing should have to sleep on that excuse of a couch. I’ll just pull out an air mattress and you can have my bed.’ So Not only will I be sleeping in his bed, but he’ll be in the room. Talk about lucky.

And to top it all off, the gang is coming over to the Way’s after school today while Mr. and Mrs. Way go to holiday with my mummy and daddy, leaving Gerard and Toro in charge for the weekend. Only the guys are leaving Saturday evening. But still. Talk about Excitement. I’m practically bouncing off the walls.

“Hello? Earth to idiot! Come in idiot?!” Dani practically yelled waving her hand in front of my face, breaking my stare at Gerard.

“Huh?” I asked stupidly, moving my glance slowly to her instead of Gerard. “What happened?”

“Ok seriously did somebody give her sugar? Or drugs? God knows which will have a worse effect on her. Probably the sugar,” Dani complained frowning. “Seriously though, are you ok? One second your crazy and the next your out of it! Aren’t you excited! Daddy Farr comes home today! I can’t wait! And I get to see your mom! God I missed her. What has she been doing lately anyway?” And I was the one with mood swings.

“Dani… I have to tell you something, about my. Um, about my Mom.” I felt tears come into my eyes. I needed to do this. For once I needed to solve my problems talking instead of cutting.

“Oh my god! She’s dead isn’t she?” Dani screamed with a horrified look on her face. I sshhed her and pulled her closer so I could whisper.

“No for god sakes Dani she isn’t dead! She… She just misses him a lot. That’s all. It worries me.” I lied. Dani smiled and pulled me into a hug.

“Oh hun, she’s fine,” No she’s not. “She’ll be fine after the visit!” No she won’t. “Thank you for telling me the truth and not bottling it up though.” But I didn’t. “We need to get through that, Rave. We all know you don’t tell us when you’re upset. We care. Especially Gerard. He even thinks your hurting yourself! Crazy right? He just worried too much.” She giggled. I smiled back lightly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. He just worries. I just worry, we all just worry. We’re just a big bunch of emotional worry warts.” I sniffle. She smiles as the bell rings and stood up.

“Are you coming?” She grins looking at me weirdly. I sigh and stand up as well, lifting my messenger bag with me.

“I’ve got to go to the bathroom; I’ll meet you in the lunch room.” I smile weakly, and find myself in the bathroom, once again cutting away my problems.
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blahhh. i hate this one. it sucks. but it's rather inportant to a degree, because it shows a bit of the realationship between Raven and her group. they all care about her and are really worried. BUT! i am planning to update once more today since this update sucked. so pay attention later today :]