Get Tangled Up In Me

Nobody can break Hearts Better,

Why Do you have to be so Damn Clever?

Gerard’s P.O.V.

“Jared Farr, get your ass packed! We’re leaving!” She yelled dragging me up to her room so I could help her pack. She carefully opened my closet enough to get her hand in and dig around for her overnight bag.

“Is your closet so full that you have to do that?” I laughed sitting on her bed. She rolled my eyes.

“Shut up!” She complained giggling. “I cleaned my room.” She said in her defense. I just laughed even more. She started to run around throwing random shit in her bag.

While she was doing that I walked over to her wall and smiled when I saw the first drawing I ever drew for her on her wall. It was one day in the summer, when I was eight and she was four, and my mom was watching us. She had her dark hair in two little pig tails and the side of her head and had a barrette on each side because her hair wasn’t quite long enough. Her cheeks were pudgy and pink and she wore these cute little shorts that were bright pink with a shirt that was tucked in with flowers all over it. That was the day I knew I wanted to marry her one day.


“Ravey! Come look what Rardy drew for you!” I called and watched her toddle over with a smile on my face. She gasped in surprise when I presented her with her very own Gerard original.

“Oh Rardy its so prettyyyy!” She squealed and pulled her thumb out her mouth. She couldn’t quite say Gerard yet, so I let her call me Rardy. She threw her little arms around me. “I lobe it! Mikeys come see the pretty pick-ture Rardy made me!” She let go of me and Mikey came over with a scowl on his face.

“I never get a picture from Gerard.” He pouted. I rolled my eyes to the best ability an eight year old could.

“I’m sure Gerard will draw you one later, Mikey darling. Just be nice to Ravey and he will,” My mommy called from the kitchen. I smiled and nodded. As long as he was nice to Ravey. I looked back over at her. She had her eyes glued in delight at the picture and her thumb in her mouth.

“Ravey do you wanna go watch a movie with me?” I asked smiling. She nodded her head wildly. I sat on the couch and pulled her up on my lap. She smiled and took her thumb out of her mouth again.

“Rardy, I have to tell you a seecet.” She whispered leaning over to my ear her sweet breath on my cheek. “Rardy, I lobe you. Thank yous for the bootiful pick-ture.” And then she kissed my check. It wasn’t a very good kiss, my cheek was probably wet for days after. But I decided the second her innocent lips touched my cheek that one day we would be in love and get married.

“I love you too, Ravey. I love you too.” I whispered, tickling her sides so I could hear her soft little giggle.

*End Flashback*

My smile grew when I closely inspected the picture. It was Raven, Mikey, and I as little stick figures with huge hands. You could tell who was who because Mikey had a huge brown Mohawk and Raven and I had black ones. Plus Raven had on a white dress and a veil. I had drawn Raven and I getting married.

“I remember that day,” She said softly from behind, startling me. “I was so happy to get that crappy drawing.” She laughed softly then sighed. “It was so much easier back then. Back when we were innocent. Back when everyone was best friends.”

“Well not everybody,” I laughed remember the first day of Kindergarten for Mikey and Raven. “Remember when you sat on Stephanie Brookes ice cream cup and I had to chase her away with a stick to get her to leave you alone? You were damn lucky we had recess at the same time.” She laughed lightly and nodded.

“And then you almost got caught putting mud in her new ice cream, but I lifted my dress up to distract the teacher.” She added. I laughed even harder.

“And then when we went home that day and Mom asked us how school was, you turned around and asked her what a stripper was because ‘that’s Marty Michaels said that’s what I’m gonna be when I grow up!’ I think you almost gave the poor women a heart attack.” I looked down at her and she looked up at me.

“And then that one time in third grade when those boys were teasing me behind the wood shed, you told them to fuck off unless they wanted a stick up their asses.” She smiled.

“And then in eighth grade when Marsha Buckley tried to kiss me you threw a rock at her head.” I smiled back. She looked so perfect, the sun was hitting the back of her head just right so that it looked like she was an angel or something.

“Well, we couldn’t have her giving you STD’s can we?” She said softly. Her mouth was so close, so close… I could just… Kiss her…

And then she went up and I went down and our lips were hungrily against each other, her arms around my neck, mine around her waist pulling her closer. I felt like I was flying, ironically enough. It was a kiss like never before, and It was with the one person I wanted more than ever but couldn’t have. Her hands were in my hair now softly tugging as she pulled me closer, and mine were working their way off her waist and on her butt.

I softly licked her bottem lip, asking, no begging for entrances. She opened her mouth with a small gasp and smiled into the kiss.

“Are you guys ready to-” Jared as opening her door and staring at us in shock. Oh Shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK guys so the last Chapter I forgot to mention something: I had totally forgotten about Jared. I mean i mentioned him like in the first chapter and then never again. So I want to apoligise about the lack of Jared-ness. lol.

enjoy :]