Story from a grave

Goodbye Life

I bet you’re all wondering what it is I wanted to do before I killed myself. Most of you are thinking I hunted down James and killed him, or that I hunted down Steve, or maybe I handed him over to the Gardi. Well I did report them both to the proper authorities, but that wasn’t what I needed to do before ending everything. Any idea what I wanted to do? I have a feeling most of you know by now.
Two hours before ending my life I went to Zack’s grave. I had to speak to him one last time before I was banished to hell. Those two hours were spent spilling my hear and pain out to him, I finally broke down after months of silence. I never dried for my mom and dad. All my tears went with Zack. I remember every word I said in the lashing rain.
“ Zack...I can’t do this anymore, everything has been horrible since you were taken away, what did I do to deserve this? Is my life some sort of fucking joke!? IS THAT IT!!!!??? No one deserves the life I’ve been forced to live. Zack.. why did all this happen? Why did...why did you have to die? I loved you...No I LOVE you, not even death could change that, now I know there’s nothing left for me in life, you died and left me here, then I was raped by your friend, then I lost my dad and mom, I became a prostitute to drug dealers just to try and keep for on the table for us, but mom got taken away, just life you and my parents, I can’t deal with this anymore Zack, Now it’s time to end all the pain and suffering”
I pulled out the small razor blade sown into the inside of my arm band, with that old blade responsible for all my scars, i tore apart what remained of my arms and legs before finally, all my tears were dried up I slit my wrists in front of Zack’s headstone. I didn’t leave a suicide note, all I left was a small piece of paper that said I want to be buried with him. I wonder if who ever found me actually listened to my wish, or was I even found by someone?
Now you’ve heard my story from me. Now you can judge what I said at the beginning. So am I fucked up or not? Was I right? Suicide is never the answer, but...I had no one left to disappoint, there was no one to cry at my grave and say how much they loved me. Please suicide is permanent, before you consider it think about all the ones left i did .
Now I can finally rest in peace, even if I am burning forever in the fiery pits of hell, I’m happier I’m not trapped in my life. Or maybe I’m with my parents and Zack, I’m in a place where I can finally be with Zack.
I don’t care if you think I’m fucked up, I’m happier with death
Goodbye and thank you for listening to my story.
Take comfort in the fact I’m a peace now, I’m sorry for upsetting anyone
Enjoy your lives, you never know when they will end.
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this didn't turn out how i expected it to, writers block got in the way, so i'm gonna leave it at that, but i will rewrite it