Sequel: Grown-Up Problems
Status: Completed

Anonymous Letters

Something Planned

For the couple of weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays, Draco and Harry managed to sneak around undetected by anyone, having found a room in Hogwarts that no one else knew of and that didn't show up on the Marauders Map. However, Ron and Hermione were very suspicious of Harry's occasional disappearances; despite the fact Harry was known for slipping out in the night, because of his relationship with Draco, they doubted his stories of needing air after a bad dream, or whatever Harry came out with.

Harry sighed and flopped down on the sofa, making sure to miss Draco who was submerged in a Potions book.

"Something wrong, my dear?" Draco asked, sarcasticly. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Not really, just bored."

"Well I'm sorry but this Potions work needs to get done."

"Not now it doesn't!"

Draco put his book down; "I'll help you with yours if you want, unless you want another detention. I'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose, to get Snape to notice you."

Harry narrowed his eyes; "what are you hinting at?"

"I'm hinting at the fact that maybe I'm not the only Slytherin you've got the hots for."

Harry gasped and hit Draco round the head with a cushion; "you are disgusting! Just sick!"

Draco chuckled; "prove me wrong then, do your homework."

Sighing, the Gryffindor shuffled up to his lover and pulled his bag onto his knee; "even Hermione doesn't have tactics like that to get me to work."

"And that's why I'm in Slytherin and she is not."

Harry smirked and pulled his homework out. Their homework was completed quicker than Harry usually managed to, and spent their final hour together being a couple.

"I'll see you round, as usual," Harry said, packing his bag. Draco nodded and leant on the sofa, folding his arms.

"So, next time...?"

"Um..." Harry looked up at Draco and couldn't help but feel queasy - but in the good way. Draco smirked.

"How about next Tuesday?"

Harry nodded, having to sit down before his knees gave way; "Tuesday, um, Tuesday sounds good."


Draco knew what effect he had on Harry, and exploited it to it's full extent. He watched Harry pack his things away and sort out his clothes so it didn't look as though he'd been savaged by a sexually frustrated fifteen year old, before going up behind him and wrapping his arms round his waist.

"Till Tuesday then, Scarhead."

Harry sighed and turned to face Draco; "you know, Ron had better not see these love bites on my chest or I'm going to kill you."

"Apologies my dear, I got a bit lost in the moment."

"Yeah, well, don't do it again."

"Don't worry, I have something good planned for Tuesday..."

Harry looked at Draco, wide-eyed; "um, what?"

"You'll see. Anyway, I have duties to attend to, so, I'll see you, tomorrow."

He kissed Harry quickly on the nose before striding out of the room, leaving Harry a little dazed and worried. He quickly gathered his things and rushed out, hoping to make it back to the common room before Ron and Hermione finished their Prefect duties. He managed to get in before them and hurried up to the dorms to make it look like he'd been doing his homework. Hermione and Ron finally got in, and instantly went over to Ginny.


Ginny nodded; "only got back about five minutes ago."

Hermione sighed; "I think it's time for another intervention."

"Let's just leave it for a while longer, he could have just been having a walk or something."

Hermione glared at Ron and went up to the boys' dorm, to find him doing homework.

"I heard you've only just gotten back," she said, leaning on the bedpost. Harry looked up and shrugged.

"Went on a walk and did my Potions homework."

"Are you sure? Maybe you were with Draco!"

"Yeah, sure. I've told you a million times Hermione, it's over between Draco and I! And even if for some reason we were still seeing each other behind your back, you think we'd spend what little time we have doing Potions homework?"

Ron sighed; "told you Hermione, just, leave him."

Hermione sighed angrily and stormed out. Ron looked at Harry and smiled meekly before going back down to the common room. Harry smirked and put all his things away, deciding an early night was in order.

The next day in Potions, Snape was in another bad mood. He made the class sit in silence as he marked the homework.

"Malfoy! Come here please!"

Draco looked up and slowly made his way to Snape's desk; "...Sir?"

Snape was clutching Draco's essay; "I've just looked over your homework, it's very similar to someone elses."


"Now why is your essay nearly word for word like Potter's?"

"Potter? Harry Potter? I have no idea!"

Snape glared; "you have five seconds to explain yourself or you'll both find yourselves in detention, and I'll be writing to your parents!"

Draco felt his pulse quicken, he had less than five seconds to come up with a decent lie; "um, I honestly don't know sir! Although, no, I left my essay in the library by accident! He may have found it and copied it!"

Snape looked at Draco analytically; Draco felt even more anxious, it was as if Snape could read his mind and knew he was lying. He definitely didn't expect him to buy his lie - but he did.

"Very well... Potter! Detention, tonight!"

Harry looked up and groaned; "why?"

"I think you know why!"

Harry looked at Draco, who shrugged apologetically before going back to his seat. Harry sighed and got on with his work. Hermione meanwhile tried to catch Ron's attention, before slipping him a note.

"Told you there was something going on."

Ron sighed and screwed it up, refusing to admit Harry would still be seeing Draco behind his back.

After class, Harry met Draco in the bathroom before going to their other lessons.

"What happened?"

Draco sighed; "sorry, I had to say something, he asked why our essays were pretty much the same."

"Oh, all right then?"

"You're not pissed off?"

Harry smirked; "a little, I'll get you back Tuesday."

Draco smirked too; "sure you will, anyway, I've got to get to Transfiguration."

He gave Harry's arm a squeeze before rushing out. Harry stood in front of the sink, holding his hands under the fauwcett for a few minutes before strolling out of the bathroom. As he guessed, Ron was waiting for him.

"You took your time."

Harry shrugged; "yeah, well..."

"Malfoy was in there too, did you-"

"-I was on the toilet, Ron, I don't know who came in and out!"

Ron shrugged; "all right-"

"-Hermione's getting to you."


Harry smiled and nudged him; "come on, let's get to History of Magic, I could do with a nap."

After several days of accusations from Hermione and a detention with Snape, Tuesday came around. After Hermione and Ron left on their duties, Harry pulled the cloak over his head and and left for the seventh floor to meet Draco. Today, the room seemed cosier than usual; either the room was smaller or the furniture was bigger. The sofa was definitely bigger, Draco was lay on it with at least a foot or two extra space for Harry to sit down; normally Draco couldn't lie down without Harry sitting on his feet.

"Well, this is, cosy," Harry announced, dropping his things next to the coffee table. Draco propped himself up on his elbows and smirked.

"Told you I had something good planned."

Harry smiled and sat on the sofa. Draco turned himself around and rest his head on the arm of the sofa on Harry's side, lying over Harry's legs.

"So was this all you had planned?"

"Maybe. Maybe not..."

"I suppose I'll find out, right?"

The blonde nodded and took the other boys' hand ins his, squeezing it softly. They sat in a content silence for a while, Harry occasionally ran his hand through Draco's hair; Draco would occasionally sit up properly and give Harry a quick kiss - nothing that could possibly lead to something more. Draco suddenly sighed happily, Harry looked down at him quizzically.

"Something up?"

"No... This is nice isn't it? We should do this more often!"

Harry smiled; "what, nothing?"


Draco sat up on Harry's lap, a shy smile tugging at his lips.

"I like doing nothing with you," Harry confessed. The Slytherin pushed Harry's hair back and looked over his face before taking his glasses and putting them down on the table. They didn't say a word to each other when Harry pulled Draco into a deep kiss, or when Draco undid Harry's tie and unbuttoned his shirt. Not wanting to run the risk of falling off the sofa and ruining the "moment", they moved from the sofa to the floor in front of the fire. Draco crawled on top of Harry, kissing down his neck and sliding his shirt off his chest, smirking over the few love bites he'd left the last time they'd gotten together. Harry moaned quietly and sat up to meet Draco in a passionate kiss. Their situation quickly heated up, leaving both of them topless, and Harry without his trousers.

"Are we ready for this?" Harry asked quietly, making Draco lose sense of what he was doing.

"What? Um, I think so..."

"I mean, I know I want to, but..."

Draco nodded and sat on Harry's legs, looking down at the Gryffindor analytically; "I know..."

Harry sat up and rest his hands on Draco's waist; "...I suppose we'll never find out if we never try."

Draco smirked; "you know it's all going to go wrong now, don't you."

"I know, I've jinxed it... Oh well..."

Without another word being said, Draco pounced on Harry, covering his neck and face with kisses and the occasional pinch with his teeth. However, he pinched too hard on his neck, making Harry yelp out in pain. Draco grimaced.


Harry smiled meekly; "it's all right..."

Draco took in a deep breath and carried on where he'd left off. Harry closed his eyes and tried to get back into it; he liked letting Draco take control, even if it was a little worrying at times. As he made his way down Harry's chest to his stomach, Draco misjudged where to put his leg, and dug his knee into Harry's thigh, causing Harry to sit bolt upright, and throw Draco off him. Both of them groaned in pain.

"Sorry," Draco sighed, rubbing his elbow.

"It's fine," Harry replied, rubbing his leg. Draco sat next to the Gryffindor and smiled meekly.

"It's all going wrong. Maybe we should quit whilst we're ahead, before I accidentally castrate you or something."

Harry laughed and nodded; "yeah, maybe. Let's save this until a better time, maybe when we don't have to sneak around so much."

"So, never?"

The two of them laughed and leant into each other, sharing a quick kiss before grabbing their clothes.

"So this was fun, we should do it again some time."

Harry laughed; "no need to be sarcastic, Draco."

"I'm sorry. Next time you say nothing! I'm not having you jinx it every time we try to do something more than kiss."

"Aww, I knew you'd blame me."

"It was your fault!"

"Yeah, sure."

Draco nudged Harry as he tried to put his trousers on, making him fall over. Scowling, Harry grabbed Draco's leg and pulled him down on top of him. They rolled about, laughing and wrestling until Draco pinned Harry.

"Give up?"


Smirking, Draco kissed along Harry's collar bone, instantly finding the spot that made him shiver.

"Give up now?"

The Gryffindor shook his head; "Nope."

Keeping his limbs pinned with his own, Draco began kissing down Harry's chest, softly grazing his teeth on his nipple.

"How about now?"


Harry was breathing heavily, but refused to give in. Draco shook his head.

"Stupid Gryffindors, so proud, will never admit defeat. Especially not to a Slytherin."

Harry smirked; "is that all you've got?"

Draco smirked too; "nope, but seeing as you want more, I'm going to stop. I'd rather leave you frustrated than fulfilled."

He climbed off the breathless Gryffindor underneath him and went back to getting dressed. Harry groaned and sat up.

"No, you can't do that!"

"Afraid I can, Potter. Now get dressed."

Sighing, Harry reluctantly continued getting dressed, glaring at Draco the entire time. The two of them gathered all their things and stood by the door awkwardly.

"Well, I say we get together next... Thursday," Draco said, pulling his bag onto his shoulder.


"Yup, though I might get a hold of your before Thursday. If you're lucky."

Harry sighed; "why must you toy with me?"

"That's what I like to do, I'll play with you, then have my way with you."

"Gee, thanks."

"I'm sorry, sort of."

Harry rolled his eyes; "well..."

Draco pulled Harry into a hug; "I like you, you know."

"Um, yeah?"

"No, I mean it... I really, like you."

Harry smiled; "I uh, like you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Really trying to subvert Drarry "stereotypes" here x) In the last chapter I make Hermione and Ron hate the idea of 'Drarry' (unlike nearly every story I read, where they actively encourage them to date) and here, they try to maybe have sex, and I make it all awkward and weird - like everyone's first time is! I'm bored of Drarry stories where they lose their virginity and it's the most amazing experience of their lives! It would be weird! They wouldn't know what to do... Anyway, currently writing the last chapter for this story, so expect the last few chapters to be up soon-ish (: - Comments appreciated, as always, though not so much on the Hermione hate - please don't hate her! D: