Sequel: Ready to Start
Status: finished, but the story never ends. continuation soon.

Means the World


Elise woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room. She sat up and saw Fred lying down next to her, eyes wide open.

She was not drunk. She was not on drugs.

She slept with her ex-boyfriend after going on a date with her current boyfriend, who was currently out of town. God, her life was becoming such a fucking cliché.

“Why did we do that?” Fred asked.

“We did it because we both wanted it and both needed it. At least, I did.” Elise explained.

“If you needed a shag, why didn’t you hit up Oliver?” Fred asked sarcastically.

Elise sighed. “He’s too much of a prude. He won’t even hold my hand. He treats me like a porcelain doll. I don’t want that.” She said.

“You deserve it.” Fred said.

“Do I look like a fucking Barbie doll to you?” she shrieked.

Fred chuckled. “In all sense of being perfection, you do. You are a veela. You were born perfect.”

She huffed. “Shut up, Fred.”

“That’s why he likes you so much. You fit right into his perfect world…he’s happy now.” Fred muttered.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, confused.

Fred chuckled. “Don’t you understand, Elise? Oliver’s wanted perfection since we were kids. He always demanded a perfect game. He carefully constructed the perfect Quidditch team. He nearly killed himself to win the cup and get onto Puddlemere. Now that he’s semi-successful, he has the perfect girlfriend.”

“I doubt the perfect girlfriend would be fucking you right now.” She drawled.

“Are we going to make this a thing?” Fred asked.

“I just want someone to care, that’s all. God, I’m such a fucking slag.” She said bitterly.

“Hey, don’t talk about yourself like that.” Fred defended.

“You’re too sweet, Fred.” She murmured.

“I love you, you know that. I never will stop.” He pointed out.

Elise picked up her jacket and opened the door. “Yes, and that’s the problem.” She said,
closing the door gently before leaving.

She left the shop and started walking down the alley. That’s when she saw Angelina. “Oi, Elise, where have you been? You haven’t been coming to the weekly dinners.” She pointed out.

Elise waved her off. “Fred and I had a disagreement about Oliver; we just patched it up.” She said.

Angelina clucked her tongue. “Damn, Lise, did Wood do that to you?” she asked. She pushed back a lock of Elise’s hair to reveal a dark purple hickey.

Elise blushed. “Oh, yeah.”

“Christ, they’re all over your body…I didn’t know Wood was that intense.” She whistled.

Elise turned red. “I really should go.” She said.

“Don’t you want to come with me? I was just about to see Fred.” Angelina pointed out.

Elise turned redder. “Oh, he was about to take a kip when I left; he’ll be sleeping. Maybe you should try some other time.”

Angelina contemplated, and then nodded. “You’re right.”


Elise was sitting at her table when she got a silver fox appeared in front of her. It was her father’s patronus.

“Please see me.” It whispered.

Elise sighed, dropped her coffee mug in the sink, and apparated to her father’s apartment.
Once inside, she saw him clearing his desk.

“Papa, what are you doing?” she asked.

“I’ve just handed in my resignation. We need to have an order meeting.” He said impatiently.

“Why?” she asked, confused. “You love your job.”

Suddenly, Order members started popping in. Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mundungus Fletcher, Molly and Arthur Weasley, and the twins were standing there.

“What’s the news, Anton?” Kingsley asked.

“They know, Kingsley…they know I’m somehow a part of Dumbledore’s order.” He muttered.
“I’ve turned in my resignation; my excuse is that I’m going to see to my sister and retire in the

“Why?” Arthur asked.

“Dolores kept mentioning stuff about Dumbledore to me…and I guess she put the pieces together. Besides, I couldn’t stand the corruption in that office anymore; everyone’s so stupid. They’ll be after me soon, the Death Eaters.” He claimed. “I have to leave quickly. Laurel is faking ill.”

Kingsley sighed. “That only means one thing…Elise, you’ll have to quit your job as well.” He said.

Elise nodded fearfully. She stared as her father waved his wand, packing things. “What will I do? Will I have to go into hiding as well?”

Kingsley sighed. “I don’t think so; if your father covers his tracks well, which he is, then you shouldn’t be in danger. But you shouldn’t be involved in the Ministry at all.”

“But she needs to work; she keeps herself sane that way.” Anton grunted. Elise stared at her father, who was hauling luggage.

“She can work for the twins; the boys have an extra room in the flat so she can live with them as well.” Molly quipped. “She’ll be safe, Anton. She’ll be in their care, as well as mine. If it’s still not safe by the time Fleur and Bill set up their home, she can live with them.”

Fred nodded. “We’ll take care of her, Mr. Seymour.”

“Yes, that sounds alright.” Her father said, watching her sadly. Elise could feel herself about to cry.

“Elise, you’ll have to leave your resignation; tell them you’ve gotten a position with a muggle company; whatever you can to lay down tracks. We’ll help you send your belongings to the twins’ place tomorrow after work. You should keep a low profile.” Kingsley advised.

“Maybe it’s not so safe to date that Quidditch player, Elise.” Anton spoke.

“Yes, yes, that is very high profile. People would see you with him.” Mrs. Weasley noted.

Elise sighed. “I suppose you’re right.”

The order members began helping Anton with his belongings. He started flooing them to his sister’s home in France. After that, they all left the father and daughter together.
♠ ♠ ♠
30 days to finish this story...
challenge accepted.