Sequel: Ready to Start
Status: finished, but the story never ends. continuation soon.

Means the World


Fred sighed. “I’m in love with a girl that I dated in school and she stopped talking to me when she moved away. Now she came back and started dating an old friend of mine. For reasons I shall not reveal, she has to live with me and my brother. While dating this guy, who she only sees on weekends and is one of my friends, she and I are sleeping together. What do I do?” he asked.

The girl whistled. “That sounds like a tough spot.”

“I know. I love her. I sent her a letter every day for a year.” He sighed.

“There’s no post on Sundays.” The bartender pointed out.

“Not where I’m from; I have different methods.” He said.

“Like email?” she asked.

Fred didn’t know what that was, but he nodded. “Yeah, like email.”

The girl sighed. “I say you end things with this girl. She’s ruining you emotionally. How could you do that to a friend?” she asked.

“I love her, a lot.” Fred said.

“It doesn’t sound like she’s putting as much into the relationship as you are.” The bartender said. “You obviously are in love with the girl and she doesn’t have the decency to break up with her boyfriend when she is physically attached to you.”

“How do I get her back emotionally?” he asked.

The girl shrugged. “You don’t. This is something she has to decide she wants. Nothing you can do can change her. You just have to hope for the best and love her no matter what she chooses. As for your friend, does he get the sense that she’s cheating on him?”

Fred downed his drink. “Yeah, he does.”

She clicked her tongue. “Then you need to stop and confront the girl. Either she ends it with him and gets with you or ends it with you.”

“Someone will get hurt.” He said miserably. “She hates hurting people.”

The bartender sighed. “She needs to stand up for herself. You can’t please everyone.”

Fred dug around his pockets for muggle money; usually he kept some but he didn’t have anything on him but galleons.

“It’s on the house. You need it.” She said in an assuring tone.

Fred smiled at the bartender. He hated to do it, but he had to. No one could know about his problems. He uttered a quick spell to stop the security cameras from working. Fred checked if anyone was around; he was the only one in the bar. He pulled out his wand.

“What’s that?” she asked, shocked.

“Oblivate.” He uttered. A hazy look went over her. She dropped the glass she was cleaning. Fred quickly turned the cameras back in with a flip of his wrist and left without another word.


Fred was in the living room the next morning, peeling off his jacket. He walked around London the whole night.

Elise came into the kitchen with knotted hair and puffy eyes. “Where have you been?! George has been looking for you! He’s out wandering town!” she shrieked.

“I had to get air, I told you.” He stated.

“You had me worried sick!” Elise yelled.

“Do you love him?” Fred asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows. “What?”

“Do you love Oliver Wood?” Fred asked.

She cleared her throat. “Of course not, we’ve only been seeing each other a short while.”

“He obviously cares about you a lot.” Fred said.

“If he cares, he should show it.” She stated.

“That’s not who he is, Elise, and if you took the time to really get to know him, you’d understand that he doesn’t want to do that.” Fred reminded her.

“Why are we talking about this?” Elise asked incredulously.

“Do you love me?” Fred asked.

Elise looked shocked. “Fred, you know I love you.”

“Break up with him then.” Fred said firmly.

“Are you insane? I can’t do that to him. Besides, he’s your mate!” Elise cried.

“You’re only fucking one of his best mates at the same time! If you really care about the both of us, break up with him. Stand up for yourself!” he roared.

“Fred, stop yelling at me!” she screamed.

“I said stand up for yourself!” he screamed back.

“Oi, what’s going on?” asked a voice. The two turned around to see George. “When’d you get back, Freddie? And why are you crying, Lise?”

Fred stared at his brother. Elise burst into tears and ran into her room.

“I have a lot of explaining to do.” Fred sighed.

“What’s been going on? I know something is wrong; I can sense it.” George said, sitting
down. “We can close shop for today; Verity’s sick anyway.”

“Don’t hate me for this, will you?” Fred asked.

“I could never hate you, Fred.” George said. “Now tell me the truth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
see what i did there with the whole no post on sundays thing? eh? eh?
anyway, i realized one flaw in my plan of finishing this the day the last movie comes out...i'm going to be in florida at the harry potter theme park so...problem. and these are saved on my base computer which i can't take with me, obviously. so i'm debating finishing this before the movie comes out or saving them all as mibba drafts so i can get them out on time. thoughts?