Sequel: Ready to Start
Status: finished, but the story never ends. continuation soon.

Means the World


It was the end of the school year, and Fred and George were preparing for the floods of students that would be back over the summer. Summer was their busiest season and they were getting plenty of stock of their favorite items.

Fred watched as Elise did the books. Her curly hair was up in a bun and she was sitting at the register, writing.

“Why don’t you two just get back together then?” asked George, who appeared next to Fred.
“You spend every waking moment together.”

“I’m taking it slow, brother. She’s been through a lot…she’s fragile.” Fred noted.

“You’re going to have to make a move sooner or later, Fred, before someone else scoops her up. Ask her to be your date to the wedding.” He said.

Fred nodded. “Okay, maybe.”

Suddenly, Tonks walked into the store. “Fred, George, we’ve got a problem.” She said sternly. Elise left the desk to walk over by them. George flipped the sign over and locked the doors.

“What’s up, Tonks?” Fred asked casually.

“Did you sell Draco Malfoy Peruvian Instant Darkness powder?” she asked.

Fred and George nodded. “Sold the little git a ton at the beginning of the year. We really didn’t want to, but we can’t deny business.” George said.

“He used it on an attack at Hogwarts.” She said bitterly. “Come, Bill’s injured.”

Elise, Fred, and George left with Tonks to Hogwarts. They immediately went to the infirmary; Bill was in bed, his face slashed. Fleur was tending to him still. Molly, Arthur, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting around.

“Dumbledore’s dead.” Lupin said, appearing.

“Where the hell were we in this fight? Why didn’t anyone call us?” Fred asked.

“It was too late; we couldn’t.” Arthur said. “By the time we thought of calling you, it was too late.”

Bill groaned and Fleur began applying more medicine.


The funeral was a few days later. People were wearing white instead of black; Dumbledore would've wanted light, not dark.

Elise’s hair blew in the wind as she walked towards Fred, who was talking to Lee.

“Everything is going to be different now, isn’t it?” she asked him. Fred said goodbye to Lee and they walked on.

“Everything has been different lately, love. It’s never going to be the same ever again.” Fred sighed.

“Everyone is dying…everyone I know.” She murmured. “Everything I had is slipping away. I hardly feel like myself anymore.”

“Don’t say that. You’re fine.” Fred said sharply.

Elise chuckled. “I’m not dying, Fred.”

“We can’t lose you. I can’t lose you.” Fred said.

Elise sighed. “I think I’ll stay at Angelina’s tonight. Are you going home to the Burrow?” she asked.

Fred nodded. “Mum wants us to stay around a bit. She’s antsy ever since what happened to Bill. Fleur’s been cooking lately. He’ll like her raw steak instead of Mum’s well done.” He joked.

Elise smiled. “Have fun then. Tell everyone I say hello.”


Fred was walking up to his mother’s room in search of a shirt. She’d done the laundry and it was all in her room, folded. He knelt on the ground, filing through the basket of clothes. Was that white shirt his? Nope, it was Ron’s. He filed some more.

Under the bed, a box caught his eye. It was a box, marked with one word-Letters. Curiously, Fred took out the box and opened it. There were hundreds of letters in there, all crisp and unopened. He picked one up. It was addressed to him. The handwriting was clean and feminine. The cursive letters all ended with a little flourish or flick; only one person he knew wrote like that.

Fred ripped open the letter.

Dear Fred,

The year is drawing to a close. This will be a short letter.

I don’t know why you haven’t written to me. I’ve written you every day for a year…yet I hear nothing back. I’ve been waiting and I don’t think I can wait anymore. Why? I love you. Don’t you love me? Didn’t it mean a thing? I know we both said it didn’t, but I just said that so you wouldn’t worry about me. Because I knew if you wanted me to stay, I would leave everything. I’m waiting for you, but I don’t know how much longer I can wait.

I love you.


“Fred!” his mother said, shocked. She stood at the door, her mouth covered by her hands.

Fred stood up and walked over to his mom silently. “How do you have these?” he murmured.

“I am so sorry.” She stuttered.

Fred stared at his mother with a steely look. “Why do you have them?”

She opened her mouth. “I didn’t mean to hurt you…Anton and I thought we were protecting you.”

Fred dropped the letter. “You know I loved her. You know I still love her.” He said angrily.
“Because of you, I ripped my heart out and served it on a dinner plate, mum! I lost what I hold dear to me!”

His mother burst into tears. “Anton told me it was the right thing to do!”

Fred took the box and stalked off, apparating back to the flat.
♠ ♠ ♠
aw shit. I missed a day, so looks like today is going to be a double update.